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In 2009 did you get out and wheel?

In 2009 did you get out and wheel?

  • Yes with my RC crawler

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The ORV areas that I've wheeled are Evans, Elbe, and Tahuya, I don't know how many times, but It definitely wasn't enough. I mostly wheel Evans though, and I probably won't be back to Tahuya.
I only wheeled about 8 times last year. Most of the year I was slowly building. But I did get a lot done with major improvements. Linked front and rear, 1 ton in the rear, Hydro, aluminum radiator, bigger tires, new electronics.

I know one thing. Just about every weekend involved my jeep one way or another. Like this weekend will.

I plan on building some more this year. So we'll see how it turns out in the end. Until then don't forgot about your friend Joop. :awesomework:
Went wheelin a small handful of times, definately not enough. Hope to get out more this year for sure. Maybe next weekend even.
This year

Belfair 8 trips
Elbe 17 xs
evens 6x's
Naches 2x's
manastash 3x's
cook canyon 1
capital forest 1
horn rapids 1
rieter 3x's
high rock 1
walker 2x's
mosses lake 1

have pictures and videos from all trips to proove it broke 2x's this yr ..good year...
I wheeled 65 days last year, 11 out of state. Thats missing 3 months for maintenance& misc issues.
3 Reiter runs.
8 (approx) Walker runs/work parties
1 Brown's Camp and Sand Lake for S.O.B. run
2 Naches (TJ 09 & hunting)
Finished my truck in early '09. Went to Cali for a month for training then to Louisianna for another month, then deployed to Iraq in September.. Got out about 5 or 6 times last year!

Tahuya a few times, Elbe once, Naches twice, and did some snow wheeling early 09 in Yakima.
I got out a few times this year, broke twice, an axle at buck meadows on memorial day and a trans on the way to team trophy, made it all the way through wtt witht the broken trans though. Shortly after that a back injury has sidelined me for repairing it and for the unforseeable future. :booo:
Wheeled alot, did a **** loads of work parties, rolled my rig, wrenched alot.
This year plan on being on the trails as much as possible.
I spent the first half of the year working on my rig and didn't get it done until July. I made it to Reiter once for 4 days, Evans a bunch of times and Elbe a bunch of times. So far this year, I've already been to Evans once and Elbe once.
wheeled elby like 4 times evans 3 i think, reiter about 6 nd walker onceand liberty once and that was all after mermorial day. so it was a pretty good year
Got to wheel my 4runner last winter begining of 09, but since then been a passenger at Reiter and at Naches and at Elbe.:booo: I predict 2010 should be a better year.:D
i wheeled alot as a passenger last year.......now i have my own rig runnig and have been out in it once this year.....first of many wheelin trips for the year i hope
I wheeled my rig at least 1 time a month
The places I wheeled were

Denny creek
Hollar pass
Barrett Lake
Fordyce Creek

I went to a couple of those places multiple times
In 2009 I only got out about a half dozen times, both in my rig and as passenger a couple times. A couple at Reiter, a couple at Walker.

Also spent several months worth of spare time working on the pos. So if garage time counts then I wheeled almost every weekend. :D

In 2010 I plan to make up for the lack of wheeling last year. :cool: