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I went to my friends house and he took a look at it, we found a good amount of oil in the valley. Also he seems to think that it could be a lift pump that may be getting weak or small crack in a fuel line. We are gonna test fuel pressure next week and all the glow plugs. I have not has a chance to look in the HPOP res yet. Odd thing is, is last night I got home from work and the truck has sat for 3 days, I was thinking it would be colder then a whores heart but I let the GPs cycle and then cranked it and bam! Fired right up, no smoke, ran great. But 95% of the time it is a bitch to start cold... what makes it start sometimes?

What should fuel pressure be on this truck?

What should glow plugs read in Ohms?

Is there a target volt that should be sent to the GPs? 12v?
I am a member of The Diesel Garage and Powerstroke Nation now. Trying to get some info.

It fired right up this morning. I let the WTS light go out after about 10 sec then I waited another 5-10 sec before turning the key. She fired right up, no smoke.

I check the HPOP res level last night after it sat for over 24 hours and it was only about 3/16" below the threads of the bung. Fuel filter was black too. Not sure what is going on.
160-200 depending on the temp outside, will be way lower if you have a few week glow plugs (make sure you have your amp-clamp going the right way). Like I said, we have used aliants at work on 7.3's and 6.0's and none of them have had a problem but thats just my experiance with them. The black fuel filter is a sign of oil leaking past your injector o rings and cross contaminating with your fuel system. If you live down south or (want to drive?) you can stop by the shop after work and I can do a few tests for you and get you pointed in the right direction...

Good luck, hope you get it figured out!
Ok, I got back from hunting in the cold, <40* and this is the report. I am doing some more tests tonight as I still have not found the problem.

I have been consistant the last 3 times I have started it. Cold starts I click it on and wait for the WTS light to go out then count to 15 before turning the key and it starts right up. Little bit of blue-ish white smoke but not a huge cloud. This is making me think that I may have a week glow plug or wire conection.

I installed a new fuel filter and have logged 400 miles on it, I will check it tonight to see what color it is (black).
Test glow plugs resistance through the UVCH.
Test volts at relay and at each plug at the UVCH.

I may have more then one issue I am trying to find.

How do I test my starter? How do I know if my batts are getting weak? It seems to crank just fine with no sluggish cranking. I was told the batts where new along with the alt only a few months before I got it.
Your GP's will stay on for up to a minute...The wait to start light means very little.. On cold days I give mine about 10-15 seconds past the WTS light too. Do you have a volt meter in the dash? If you do, watch it. When you first click the key over and the GP's come on it will sit at about 8 volts.....When they shut off after 30sec-1:00 you'll see it center back out to about 14..... The GP system draws a ton of power on the PSD. That's why all the elctrical systems need to be up to par at the least for everything to run right...These aren't your run of the mill mechanical diesel but they aren't hard to work on once you do your homework.
I just have the factory volt meter in the dash... it does not have number on it just the word "normal". When it is running the it is pointing at the "M" but when I click the GPs in the morning when its cold it is just below the "N". I wonder it the batts are getting low too. I will keep checking. Thanks for the info.
You've got the same gauge I do..... You're right on the "N" and the "M". That's where mine is at the times described. it's probably closer to 10-12v when the GP's are on and the truck isn't running yet.