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It's the Fridaaaaay before XRRAaaaaaay

Tonite-Haven't decided yet. Prolly look at the Commando and think about working on it. ;D
Tomorrow- Work, then look at Commando some more.
Sunday- Might go fishing with my dad. Not sure though. My Dad got my Grandfathers fishing boat and I think we just wants to go cause he misses him. So if I get asked I'm dropping whatever I'm doin and goin fishin! ;) But if not More Commando time.
fri. go eat with my mom, then go have a few drinks
sat. me and jwoods are goin ridin 4wheelers prolly have quiet a few drinks
sun. hopefully work on my truck, but who knows ;D
We had a family get-together this afternoon and we got some exercise.....

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wngrog said:
We had a family get-together this afternoon and we got some exercise.....
I am rolling, good thing we all have good senses of humor, wouldn't want to offend anyone.
InDaShop said:
I am rolling, good thing we all have good senses of humor, wouldn't want to offend anyone.
I don't know, mine's pretty sandy
tonight, swap turbos with heath
tommorrow, finish white dodge, finish burn table work, drink one or 2
sun, church, work on S10 for guy, do his hydro setup and redo the front suspension.
Caddi scattered all over the shop. Waiting on a motor to get put back together. I just hope it goes in the trailer under it owm power.
Rolled last year and tried to long to get it back over and threw a bearing, so swapped in this motor and he has been running it but she goes through water, so he had to pull it and rebuild it.
This motor has used water since I put it in before grey rock last year. Ive run a couple doses of mechanic in a can in it last year and its been getting by. Thought i had two weeks to swap in the new motor,,, wrong! The new northstar is a different series and wont work at all. Sooooo we are putting the heads off the first motor I ran last year on the second motor I ran, but I'm waiting till tuesday for new head bolts to get here. working on other stuff till then. Should have plenty of time to get it back together before leaving on thursday. Aint racin fun?
Caddishack18 said:
This motor has used water since I put it in before grey rock last year. Ive run a couple doses of mechanic in a can in it last year and its been getting by. Thought i had two weeks to swap in the new motor,,, wrong! The new northstar is a different series and wont work at all. Sooooo we are putting the heads off the first motor I ran last year on the second motor I ran, but I'm waiting till tuesday for new head bolts to get here. working on other stuff till then. Should have plenty of time to get it back together before leaving on thursday. Aint racin fun?


Dedication right there!
LONG ****ING DAY! But all I lack tomorrow is to polish the driverside skin, and apply stickers and ****. Buggy is ready to wheel right now.
I am skipping rear air bumps this race. I can not figure out a good way to get them mounted, my rear truss is junk, and clutters it all up.

Tomorrow, load buggy, then load trailer to a Thursday departure. Have to hauls some trannies to kelly, and maybe some bender stuff I keep needed to talk to him about. Trying to make it where, I leave work at noon on Thursday, run to grab trailer, hook and go.

Cool beans boys!!

Brian....wow, you really must be burning the candle at both ends to be doing East/West XRRA and MoRock! Insanity. I see now why you hang out with Mike. See you in a week....

Wyatt.....post up some new pics of the rig!
Agreed, Brian you guys are hard core! Thats A LOT of miles driving cross country.

Nolen, I sent the wife to Ft. Worth for the weekend, when she gets back witht he tyke and the camara, the plan is to get some. I'd kinda like a few of it clean and unmolested for posterity.
well we're out for this first one
Buggy is near complete but a bunch of little things might keep us from passing tech. It's untested except for a drive down the street and brakes suck so we're not gonna make the 900 mile journey on something so new (Campbell didn't built it). It kills me to do it but it's the right thing for us - get it right the first time and not slap it together.
That sucks.....are you registered for the whole East series?

Do you have any pictures of the new rig?

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