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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

  • Thread starter Thread starter HotRodpayton
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Hotrod said:
Man, what a looser I am for letting this thread die. I have really been slacking lately.

The baby is 5 weeks old now. Went through a huge trial with her last week. She has been perfect for 4 weeks, on her fifth she caught RSV from a family member. It is a repiratory virus. She was admitted in Children's hospital for 3 days. I was so broken hearted to see her go through all that. No medicine cause she's to young. GOD and GOD alone healed her.

ABOUT TIME YOU LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG ABOUT HER... How bout some pics now of her??? She's beautiful, now share her with the others. :dblthumb:

Oh and by the way, yes you are a "looser" for letting this thread die and a daily slacker... molaugh
Thank you HotRod for starting this thread, I pray that our Lord keeps blessing you and your family!!! HEBREWS 13:20/21 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord JESUS, that great shepherd of the sheep, though the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through JESUS CHRIST to whom be the glory for ever and ever, AMEN
We have all been a little lazy about keeping this going. He self one of the worse offenders. But lets work at it hard. I hope everyone has a very good Easter and gets to spend good quality time with family and friends. Let's also keep focused on what Easter is all about.

Also let me toss in a plug for the Crawl 4 Christ event this year. MOAB. I know that is the wrong direction for most folks on this site, but it will be a blast again this year and is coming up in June. http://www.crawl4christ.com/

With fuel going to be high again this year I know it is going to be tough, but those that do make it will be blessed. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a note @ [email protected]
Well the 2012 Crawl 4 Christ event looms on the horizon. Going to be another great event. Wife and myself will be making the trip but not taking the big rigs. Just driving her Rubicon since we will leave from Moab and meet up with Brad and Matt in Holister, Ca for Top Truck the next week. Don't think I want to pull two rigs that far so we will just be hitting the moderate trails at this event.

It is not too late to get signed up and make the 5th Annual Crawl 4 Christ. http://www.crawl4christ.com/
Sorry for not dropping in much. The 2012 Crawl 4 Christ event in Moab went of well. Light in attendance as we expected but met a bunch on new folks. We had 2 families come from as far east as Florida and a couple of families from the west came over the mountains from California. Guess you could say we were represented from coast to coast. Has not been determined yet where the 2013 event will be held at.

There is a real nice Christian Based event being held this weekend @ SMORR in Seymour Missouri that is being hosted by the Christian Crawlers from NW Arkansas. Going to be a huge RAFFLE. Get this. (4) winches will be handed out in the Raffle. Don't think I have ever seen that many in a single raffle.

So if not doing anything this weekend head on Over to SMORR. Just search Rock the Ozarks on you search engine.

God Bless You and Yours.
Proverbs 3:27. With hold not good to whom it is do when it is in the power of thy hand to do it. My life vers. We all fall short. Its not if you fall short but what you do after you fall short. He is faithful and just to for us our sins. I fall short 47,000 times a day. Thank you for the topic.
I am new to this forum and just finished reading all 14 pages. WOW. I am glad to see that so many have Christ in their lives like i do. I may not be the best Christian but i try to do the best that i can. I thank God everyday for the life i have and all the blessings that God brings me. I will be praying for all of us to do better and live the way God wants us to.
I am excited to see so many Christians posting to this and taking a stand. I along with everyone else am trying to do better in my walk with Christ. I know its always hard through the years when you have times of struggle (temptation or financial trouble), lose a loved one, or things aren't going your way to blame God. So I challenge everyone to keep strong in your faith. Remember God doesn't put us through things we can't handle. Find the positive in ALL situations even when you don't think there is one God is preparing you for something bigger than you think.

Also, side note......I have always been interested in riding trails and offroading. I want to eventually get one of my own but if there is ever anyone who wants a take a rookie out on the trails I'd probably be down for it. ;D
Feel free to post up topics for discussion or anything you would like to talk about. I know that everyone has an opinion of everything....

Also check out the October issue of www.c4x4.com The family friendly Online Off Road Magazine
Dan Dibble said:
Pray for tomorrow. Big day for our country.

I agree about tomorrow. Although i do not live the perfect life i reallize God belongs in our schools and goverment if we hope to survive !
I agree Dan. We need to be in prayer for our country. That Christians will get out and vote their Biblical Conscience. But regardless of the election results we need to continue to PRAY.. GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!!
I know there are alot of us that hate how the election turned out, but never the less, We need to do the best we can to uphold what our country was built on. GOD's VALUES (not ours) even if our pres. don't know a thing about em, it's our duty to stay positive and continue to try and help others see that our HOPE doesn't depend or really on this government we all despise at this point. It all revolves around the LORD JESUS and what he did for us. Just pray that GOD would have compasion for our backwards nation and use us to help turn the countries eyes back to HIM who gives us EVERYTHING!
4 Cell said:
I know there are alot of us that hate how the election turned out, but never the less, We need to do the best we can to uphold what our country was built on. GOD's VALUES (not ours) even if our pres. don't know a thing about em, it's our duty to stay positive and continue to try and help others see that our HOPE doesn't depend or really on this government we all despise at this point. It all revolves around the LORD JESUS and what he did for us. Just pray that GOD would have compasion for our backwards nation and use us to help turn the countries eyes back to HIM who gives us EVERYTHING!

well said - reminds me of Patrick Henry's speech

"Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs."
onetoncrawler said:
well said - reminds me of Patrick Henry's speech

"Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs."
I completely agree. I have a verse to share that has helped me in some tough and confusing times.
Isaiah 41: 10-13 reminds us of God's protection. I like the picture of verse 13. If we let him. God will take our country's right hand and say "Do not fear, I will help you". We can't know how all this will work out, but we do know that God is sufficient. He will do one of three things: Put out the fire, take his children out of the fire, or be with us and refine us through the fire. No matter what happens, His purpose is best for us and we will be fulfilled.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

All who rage against you
will surely be ashamed and disgraced;
those who oppose you
will be as nothing and perish.

Though you search for your enemies,
you will not find them.
Those who wage war against you
will be as nothing at all.

For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.

Romans 12:2 Says alot about how we should live everyday. We should set this as a daily goal in life!

2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.