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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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AWESOME STUFF, keep the faith. God cannot fix all evil, but can make you realize what is and isn't and therefore you help make the wrong- right again. We are all sinners and travel down the wrong path whether we admit it or not. It is the one's who admit it and strive to make a better person of themselves that are truly going to be saved someday. thumb.gif
atta boy Hot Rod. way to man up and put God first. I also was raised in a christian home. I gave my life to the Lord and was baptised back in 1997 although ,i have slipped slightly through the years. we all should live better lives and put Jesus Christ first. when i was a kid, we had to learn bible verses in Sunday school, and the one I remember most is John 14:6 ( I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father , but by me.)
May God be with everybody on this forum.
its great to see threads like this started, i have seen some on pirate that get bashed by non believers. how? i dont know. but that doesnt mean to quit trying to reach out and maybe make a difference in someones life. all you can hope for is the right thing to be said and a lightbulb could go off in someones head to change their life.
i am also a believer in Jesus and that he died for our sins, so that we could live life eternally, but i am by far not perfect.

a verse that always stands out to me, also the shortest, is John 11:35....Jesus Wept.
to me this shows that he had real feelings. i used to think that He was this supernatural being sent to live among ppl. to show us how to live life the correct way. well, He is that, and also he was sent for God to understand the struggles and temptations we go thru everyday. Jesus is a real person that understands who we are and what we go thru.
this has always helped me to not feel guilty about asking for forgiveness.
WOW i am impressed more by this topic than any i've ever read on this board, Gregg i'm especially proud of you for the step you are taking in your life. As for me i'm a sinner and i always will be but i do believe in God . I have a bad past just like most everyone and find it extremely hard to not only let go of, but also to forget . Yes i do pray about it but i guess i just haven't convinced myself that i am worthy of being forgiven for things that i have done and even thoughts i still have. HotRodPayton, i admire what you are doing and stand with you and hope that we all can become stronger better men each day.
Dear lord let me be a better man tomorrow than i was today, forgive me of my sins, and watch over all these people who have declared their love for you. GOD IS GOOD !!!!!
Right on Hot Rod! I am a christian and I admire you for having the guts to make this post. I don't know Chasman or his Son but its always good news to hear about someone getting saved. :dblthumb:
Great thread, I've been meaning to look at joining wheelers for Christ. This just helps me make that discission even easier. I also have sat in church many Sundays and thought how can I use my passion for wheelin to help bring more people closer to God. Well Hot Rod, you just did that.
I was in sixth grade when I accepted Christ into my life. Like pretty much everyone I have failed at living a sinless life, but that doesn't matter. God knows were sinners and loves us all the same.
When I met my wife she was an Episcapal (sp?) we started attending different churchs in are area. We finally setteled down at North Lanier and soon after that she accepted God into her life. It was hard for her to come to grips with because she was told that being baptised is all you need to go to heaven. She always figured she was good to go. What most people don't realize is that when you accept christ into your life it's a life changing experience, and the feeling of God coming into your life is uncontrolable and undeniable.
My wife and I have gone to some of classes that help make you a better christain in our church. Let me tell you, it gets even harder to become more christain when you try be more of a christain. The rewards have to be great I have raely met anyone in our church struggling, because when your close to God to do right by him, God takes care of you.
Thanks for this thread it's been along time coming.
Jimbo said:
i guess i just haven't convinced myself that i am worthy of being forgiven for things that i have done and even thoughts i still have.
Dear lord let me be a better man tomorrow than i was today, forgive me of my sins, and watch over all these people who have declared their love for you. GOD IS GOOD !!!!!
Everyone is worthy of forgiveness if you truly believe and ask God in your heart to forgive you, and are truly sorry for your sins. I feel the same a lot, and I feel that I'm simply paying lip service when I ask, like I don't believe enough. I don't believe like I did when I was a kid when there is no question, God is God and that's it. As an adult, so many things pull you so many ways, its damn hard.
Good for you, Hotrod. I like to see posts like this. By the way, my favorite verse is 2 Chronicles 7:14. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I just feel like a lot of our country's problems would go away if more people would turn toward Jesus.
Good for you, Hotrod. I like to see posts like this. By the way, my favorite verse is 2 Chronicles 7:14. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I just feel like a lot of our country's problems would go away if more people would turn toward Jesus.

Like myself it is often hard to speak of the the person who gave his life for our sins. I pray every morning on my way to work. I don't have a local church as there is not a lot of good ones around. But I was raised up by a grand-dad who was a preacher and is still to this day the man that will tell the preacher during service if he is right or wrong. But back on topic, I have to give all the thanks to God for making me who I am , giving me the knowledge and ability to achieve what I have become today. And on the flip side I need to tell more people about what he has done for me. Just think Hotrod the post could help bring other members closer to God..... Awesome job with this Topic....
hey hot rod payton i think this is the best post i've ever seen on any forum, i 2 seem to slip a lot and not always do the wright thing! john 3:16 has always been my favorite. i am so glad you posted this because it seems to bring a lot us guys closer togather and not be afraid to talk about jesus christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm giving an ATTA BOY to each and everyone of you that isen't afraid to talk about jesus christ! thumb.gif thumb.gif thumb.gif thumb.gif

thank you
Joe Boyett
Jimbo said:
i just haven't convinced myself that i am worthy of being forgiven for things that i have done and even thoughts i still have.

Jimbo... Just like you... I have not convinced myself that I deserve to be forgiven.. I have some sins in my past that I have asked for forgiveness for, and I know that God has forgiven me and all, but for some reason.. I keep asking him to forgive me for the same sins... I have not let go of it yet, some say that I have not forgiven myself yet.. I was told in a Bible study group that God cannot forgive you until you forgive yourself.. I guess that I do not feel that I deserve to be forgiven but ..... I know he has forgiven me and I will always continue to pray and ask him to forgive me for my past until I can let it go...

Maybe one day I will be able to let it go and get it off of my shoulders..

Once again... I think its great that people are actually speaking up abouut this..
I was lost for 38 years before accepting Christ into my life, I always put off His invitation till next Sunday then again till next Sunday and again and again. I was ashamed, embarrassed and felt guilty for praying to God only when I needed Him. He is knocking, all you have to do is open the door. I am thankful for God's grace in my life. Thanks for starting this thread Hotrod. I have been struggling with being a better wittiness and this has encouraged me to do better. Thank You.
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate, For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
i know where all of you are coming from, It is easy to get mis guided now a days with all the bad and evil going on in the world. My family and I dont really watch TV let a alone the news because of all the people breaking in house's and taking other human lifes for pocket change. I right their with alot of you guys, talking about putting off the lord because im busy with other stuff and always say next week.Hotrod Im glad you posted this and here is my fav.

Phil:4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
this is my 1st post on thia fourm been here for awhile couldnt think o a better tome to post then now great thread
Aug. will be 4 years since i gave my life to the lord its been a good 4 years for me
motofast you should vist us at our chruch on sunday
Phil:4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

That is the one that helps me get through the day and everyday. Thanks for posting it motofast :dblthumb:
If I would have known that God was going to use this thread like this, I would have posted it long long ago. HE has done a great thing on this board. If we only get encouragement to be better men each day that is great, But if we take this and use it as a tool to actually spread this joy it will be awesome! I want to talk about what I studied last night. I was studying on decision making and God's will for our lives. Each day we are faced with decisions. It is our duty to go to the Lord with these things. We all know the smallest thing can effect someone's life greatly. So my challenge to all here is to pray for God's will in the things you will do. There are so many times I make desicions by the seat of my pants, not thinking of the outcome in the long run, and how God might have a better idea. We as men of God need to take the greatest consideration in what HE would have for our lives. We all know He holds the future, it is our job to seek His favor for us. Here is a story of Jesus which is a prime example of the above.

Jesus went to the garden to pray, His prayer was that he was afraid of His fate of crucifiction. He asked God to take the this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will. God had a devine plan that was the saving grace for me and you. Jesus followed God in His will for His life, so can we!

Scripture is from: Mark 14: 32-50
This is a Great read...I'm so shamed by the fact that yesterday I came across this post and just past it by not to read not even one post, but this morning I see it at the top of the page for me to open and read that you guys deal with all the same things and have the same troubles letting other people know of your/our/my short commings when it comes to letting our buddies know just how we feel about Jesus Christ. I think Hot Rod did a great thing by laying his heart out on his sleve for others to take a stab at. I know i have so many falts that I need to make right each day and I fall short on what God ask of me and I always say that it's the way of the world now days, but it takes post like this one to make each of us take a step back and say NO to the ways of the world and that each of us can use this post even if we never post to it again to know that we are all sinners and that God know we will fall short every day but if we look back to this and what's been posted we can all do better by helping each other to stay strong in the word.
I hope God Blesses each of you.

If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels." Mark 8:38
There are so may good verses, but one of my favorites is,

"I will be strong and courageous, I will not be terrified, or discouraged; for the Lord my God is with me where ever I go." - Joshua 1:9

God has done many wonderful things in my life. I told my wife 2 years ago when applying to this new job, that I think this is the direction the Lord wants me headed. Well, after 2 years later and alot of praying I accepted a job I have always wanted. HE helped me over numerous hurtles and through many obstacles. When I got the job offer, they gave me 9 locations to pick from, and 24 hours to decide. Neither me or the wife had ever been to any of the places, so needless to say it was a very difficult decision. Trying to decide where you and the family will live for at least the next 3-5 years is tuff. In the end, we both felt that the Lord was pulling toward New Mexico, so that's where we decided. Now the first thing is I get to go live 9 hours away from my family and friends for 6 months, getting smoked by some pt instructor every day. Then after that, me and the family will move clear across the country to some place where we know no one, away from our family and friends. Kinda scary, but I know that the Lord will be there with me and my family. In my heart I know this is a great opportunity that God has given me and my family. I know things may be hard, but I know he will be there the entire time. It is amazing how God works things out. You would think with all the awesome things God had done for me, it would be easy to live as a good christian role model for my friends, family, and co-workers, but it is hard. I pray and strive to be a better one. God bless.