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JohnG Health Issues

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kmcminn said:

Update: October 30, 2016.

Well, we got that round of chemo done and all has been looking good. Had a couple good days that we were warned would be bad. Did not meet goal of staying out of hospital this round though. Started feeling bad with shortness of breath on Thursday (10-27) and not sure why, but put us in neuro ICU from the ER. Dr. Jones got us moved up to 9th floor the next day. Discharged yesterday (10-29) and back at home. No measurable fluid found on lungs in CT scan. Halloween is the last day of this infection cycle, so looking forward to seeing folks again. We had Gregg Cary stop by and see us, he has this uncanny way up stopping by when really needed, Nan and I decided after he left that we would start photoing folks that we see.

Pic#1. Then we had Kel Lawrence stop by from Cullman. Had a lot of time to talk and make memories. It is always a pleasure for Kel to drop by.

Pic#2. Adam Woodlee called and said he and Cole Freeman were going to Talladega and could stop by and take the 38 Special back with them for some maintenance, so a pic with them before they left.

Pic#3. So, back to hospital, first time we had been in ICU, and saw no reason to be there. But, really, put a note on the wall that says no pictures, where's my phone! ICU rooms are nice also, but the toilet next to the guest chair is a little strange.

Pic#4. Where to put the toilet, guess next to the visitor chair.

Pic#5. Last pic is checking out, Nan has gone to get the car.

Today is supposed to be my last down day, but so far, it is great, so we will just keep it that way. Doctor gave kudos on the burn out and said I needed to do that once a week. I'll need a BFG sponsor!!!!





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My little ones had Strep last week. I am off JohnG visitation for 7 days on my own accord. But, I will be back when our cycles align again. Not many people that can stomach me in close quarters for 6 hours in a month, much less 6 hours in 1 single day. It really is my therapy and feel like John's getting jipped on the quality time deal.

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I have not done an update yet. But back in hospital. Had a bad night and bad day till about 3pm today. Think they gave me too many drugs. Hopefully tonight will be better. Only a two drug cocktail to try and get some sleep. Been up for 3 days. Will post up complete update, one I am not looking forward to writing.

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Praying for you and your family! Hang in there and keep fighting!
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