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July Hardline Meeting - Meeting Minutes Added

Re: July Hardline Meeting

Speeding said:
Yes. I'll be there directly after leaving BTF at 6.

What a good employee, you kiss ass. Wait till 6, MY BIG WHITE HAIRY TOE JAM SMELLING ASS... :flipoff1:
Re: July Hardline Meeting

Reminder about meeting at my house TOMORROW (Thursday 7-8-10)

Nan and I will provie the burgers and all the fixins, all you need to bring is your beverage.

Not sure on the number, so I told Nan about 10.

John & Nan
Ricky & Georgia
Jamie & Amie
Rich & Laurie(?)
Greg & Jo Ann(?)
Re: July Hardline Meeting

I'm in, but Little Red is out of town on business. thumb.gif
Re: July Hardline Meeting

Hardline Crawlers â€" Meeting: July 8, 2010 â€" John Galbreath’s Home


Jamie and Amie turned in their club resignation due to selling their rig. The club voted NOT to accept their resignation.

Old Business:

Club founding principal, “100% Participation”. This is not happening and should be changed. There are family, money, and other issues that just don’t allow 100%. We need to recognize this fact. â€" After discussion, it was agreed it was not realistic to expect 100% participation.

New member vote: Bob Youmans, unanimously voted YES.
New member vote: Rodney Payton, this was tabled, due to him selling his rig. We will evaluate sometime in the future.
New member vote: Josh Cagle, voted NO.

Hardline Ride: Harlan, KY. The ride dates are: Friday 9-17 and Saturday 9-18. With travel dates being Thursday 9-16 and Sunday 9-19.

Web Site costs â€" Paid (John, Greg, Jamie). Tim and Rich gave me $10 each, I will mail to Matt. Ricky is to mail Matt directly.

New Business:

Hardline Ride: Stoney Lonesome, Bremen, AL. August 21, 2010. Day trip. Park open from 8AM till 6PM. Invite all new member prospects.
Hardline Ride: WindRock ORV Park. The ride dates are: Friday 10-15 and Saturday 10-16. With travel dates being Thursday 10-14 and Sunday 10-17.
Hardline Ride: Old Gardendale. November 13, 2010. Day trip.

New member suggestion: Paul Hydrick (Suggested by Greg & John). Tim to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
New member suggestion: Sam Gillis (Suggested by Greg). Greg to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
New Member Suggestion: Don Meadows (Suggested by John). John invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.
New Member Suggestion: Mason Boren (Suggested by John, but I don’t know him well, is on Hardline Boards). Ricky to invite him to Stoney Lonesome Ride on 8-21.

August meeting. Greg’s home. Greg to firm up date for first 7-10 days of August.

Wheeling Calendar:
8-7 â€" MMORV â€" Rock race
8-14 â€" Hokes Bluff Fire Car Show includes rock crawlers
8-21 â€" Hardline Ride â€" Stoney Lonesome. Day trip.
9-11 - GR September Slam
9-16 to 9-19 â€" Hardline Harlan KY
9-25 - MMORV SE Top Truck
10-14 to 10-17 Hardline Ride â€" WindRock ORV
10-23 â€" GR Fall For All
11-13 â€" Hardline Ride â€" Old Gardendale. Day trip.
11-27 â€" MMORV â€" RBD
12-4 â€" GR â€" Christmas For Kids
12-11 â€" Galbreath Christmas Party

Other New Business From Floor:

RBD. Possible workday for Hardline to bring in money for club to offset expenses like web site. Ricky to follow up with MMORV and give report at August meeting.

Florette and BTF. Ricky floating the idea of Blue Torch taking over this event. Ricky to arrange a meeting of BTF and land owner. This would be a potential Hardline work day. Ricky to follow up and give report at August meeting.

Tim brought up Brent Girup “Cubby” as a possible Hardline member after rig is finished.

Daniel’s Parkers name was also brought up as a possible member.