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Kelly's Bachelor Party

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ricky B scheduled ANOTHER ride without me? :flipgotcha:
Okay, the scoop is we wheel from noon to 7, go in town and clean up, all meet at rounders at 8, drink for a bit until 9 when the bus leaves from rounders. clint said when we roll back in at 2:30 we can all crash on the floor/couches/booths/pool tables/cot at teh bar to keep from a dui.
I wish I'd been there to see that. Freaking Leigh! And I always stand at that end of the bar drinking, so I'd a been right there when you threw open the office door. I probably would have fallen on the ground laughing.
blacksheep10 said:
back to the bach party, I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and buy the barbie jeep across the road for $40. fuggit, I need a spare.
I'll split it with ya, as I have no way of getting mine to Kansas between now and then.
today I picked up a 1989 xj. 4.0 auto with 90% tread all terrains-6 plys even. bro in law looked at it sunday and said he thought the t case was bad, so he said no. made a call and found a case for $100, so i bought it sight unseen for little money and the dude even delivered it to the shop today. fired it up adn the t case went right in. BUT, the trannyu had full power in reverse, but hardly any go go in forward. put a quart of lucas oil treatment tranny fluid in it, started it and let it cycle while going from p to d several times. shut off and let the bands soak about 20 minutes and go out again and try it. after third cycle got pissed off cause i was gonna have to put a tranny in it. so went to pull it forward like 10 feet and revved the **** out of it. it almost broke my neck and laid about 20 foot o blackmark. and went right on down the road, even after the whole DRIVE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT test drive. ;D ;D ;D :spin: :spin:

Talked to Wyatt tonight. They were at 'nitas and having a great time. :flipgotcha: I went to the club tonight for ya Kelly and got a lap dance for ya. :flipoff1: Hope the buggy did okay.
I rolled the sheep and the s10 blazer with no glass. the roof only came in on me in one of those instances. :spin:
Ben also rolled big booty judy. it held up well. my roll was kind of violent and I bent a .250 wall upper link in a fuggin U shape. Amazingly enough the spare link for the zr2.5 was the same length and had the right ends in it :flipoff1: I threw it in, and claimed the hill that wyatt, heath and ben couldn't get up, and ben and I rolled on. I did ruin a brand new 44 tsl on the ledge at the top, $400 oops :'( but I claimed rollsmobile :eat:

wyatt's buggy did awesome as a light ass rig with power should. he is new in the saddle and the only thing he has wheeled before is his mom's feed truck with a flatbed and bail spear. he just needs some seat time, but its coming along.
the blazer did well, and the jeep that luke picked up did really well because we welded the rear end before we went out. good times all around.
the strippers at the outhouse beat teh living **** out of me. my nipples are purple from them ripping at them and my chest and ass are covered in welts from them beating me with my belt and 2 others. other than that it was a good time :D I want to thank all the ninjas that threw in on that ****, maybe I'll have another bach party some time soon. :D
Kick ass weekend. Curt is awesome. Letting us wheel his place, then his wife made us all dinner. Weiners, and chili!!!
Prolly had about 30 people out there at one point. A handful of trucks, and sami's then the buggy's (Heath, Ben, Kelly, Me), and a couple rippers (Luke's XJ, and Kelly's Blazer).
We drank a lof of beer and had a damn good time. We initially hit some starter hills, which was perfect as I have zero seat time.
Then we moved over to a hill that would come to be known as "Rollsmobile".
Heath attempted, got denied, and had a helluva backoff. He had a 15ft straight drop behind him as he'd worked so far left.
Kelly went got denied with a violent roll.
I went, and made it to the transition but couldn't get that last 40 or so inches. Played on it for 15 minutes or so before backing out of it. Ben went, and had a preffy violent roll as well.

Everyone worked to fix their ****, and Kelly made 1 last full throttle accent and made it. Tore a hole the size of your fist out of his d-side front 44. Silly ****! But he did bust it.

Luke's XJ was damn near unstoppable. He just flogged and flogged some more. Kelly's blazer didn't fair well at all. He even rolled it on nearly flat ground doing a u-turn at made slightly above idle. Dumbest **** of the day. Then Chandler put the last nail in its coffin jumping it down a wash.

I felt mortally wounded but forged on as we got cleaned up and hit rounders, then the busride to Bonita's then on to the Outhouse. Good times were had. Kelly got a bowling ball padlocked to his leg to lug around. We had to hold him down at one point to put it on, and he bit Miles. Funny as hell.

I'm back in H-town. But still pumped out yesterday and actually wheeling, and more importantly wheeling my own ****.

I'm sure there were pics taken, I just don't have any. And video, I shot Kelly's Blacksheep roll, and I think He shot Ben's roll. So they got captured. As well as a bunch of Miles being Miles on the Fifty..

EDIT: I lied, I did take 1 pic. My buggy up on the goose of Ben's trailer in front of Big Booty Judy.
what you mean my xj is a ripper? thats one wheeling bitch.. that sumbitch went places it seriously shouldn't have. best $200 bucks i ever spent. got an offer today for $600 but passed cause would like to wheel a bit next friday-day before kellys wedding- kelly has the day off and wyatt will be in to get a little more seat time in befaore he takes it away from us
I got over 200 pics that day. :o Some very good ones of the 2 rolls and some nice actions pics of everyone. Dont know how to put them on the fuggin computer yet. ???
How much to go back to Wally world and get a full set of Dupes? I'll pay ya for them. I'll be in town next Tuesday-Sunday.