When in doubt, the skinny pedal is on the right
747 said:thanks man
Sorry man I think that was when Randall Killed his and I was tring to help him get it out and back to the tralier
747 said:thanks man
Cole said:
Agreed. He made an ass out of himself but I thought he had it on that first run. The 3 way turn at the bottom & motor running like crap cost him several seconds on his 1st run to. He was the 1st to one-shot it.jrhall said:Garys 1st video should be on Tosh.O
Looked like a good time.
Cole said:Turboed Neon
Turbo Neon buggy on Cable Hill
Matt O. said:Why should Cole change his video, maybe Gary should change his actions.
BustedKnucklefilms said:We all make mistakes. And it is good to get on here and give him a hard time about it so he will know what he has done. But putting that out there for the world to see with that Title isnt the best idea IMO.