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ya with ll the monies they made youd think they would up the anti for the winners
not bitchen but 175 dont cover gas much less the damage to rig from all those damn trees :woot: :fish:
The payout is 100% based on how many in your class, there are not a lot of limited big/small participants. They can fix that buy having two seperate courses like they did in the past, that keeps the action going also. I don't fault them at all, they put on a good event. In years past the course benefited rock bouncers with monster tires as all you had to do was throttle down and aim straight. A change of pace is not a bad thing, it just makes things fair..

I would ask them to LOWER the entry fee for the unlimited class. Make it $100, that will make for less drama and more participants.
I started a thread on RCRC for suggestions on the event. http://www.rocketcityrockcrawlers.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=6461

Please stop by there and give us your input. I agree with most the comments on here, but the rest of RCRC needs to hear these ideas from ya'll. Please give us your ideas so we can make it better for next year.

Thanks to all who came out. Ya'll put on an awesome show. Especially the battle at the end between AC and Travis Wilson. That was some fierce competition. :woot:
Matt O. said:
The payout is 100% based on how many in your class, there are not a lot of limited big/small participants. They can fix that buy having two seperate courses like they did in the past, that keeps the action going also. I don't fault them at all, they put on a good event. In years past the course benefited rock bouncers with monster tires as all you had to do was throttle down and aim straight. A change of pace is not a bad thing, it just makes things fair..

I would ask them to LOWER the entry fee for the unlimited class. Make it $100, that will make for less drama and more participants.
best part about the two seperate courses is for the little guys if one of them brakes or rolls they can still run the big guys. that doesnt leave a long ass wait time between runs. and vice a versa!
bluetoy said:
I started a thread on RCRC for suggestions on the event. http://www.rocketcityrockcrawlers.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=6461

Please stop by there and give us your input. I agree with most the comments on here, but the rest of RCRC needs to hear these ideas from ya'll. Please give us your ideas so we can make it better for next year.

Thanks to all who came out. Ya'll put on an awesome show. Especially the battle at the end between AC and Travis Wilson. That was some fierce competition. :woot:

The rest of RCRC has not listened in the past few years worth of comments what's going to change this year ? You guys made good money on spectators and not as much on competitor's this year Financially you probably had an awesome event.
Since that post didnt seem to have a clear cut question in it, here...

What does RCRC think they need to improve on next year. All I have seen online is how great an event it was and thank you's. If RCRC believe's it was a great event this year, thats fine they meet THIER objectives. I have to say after the last 2-3 years of this event I dont know what the objectives of it has become. The first 2 years I attended it , it was a fun event that was very relaxed and people were going to "race thier buddies" I dont see the event in that opinion any more though. I think that is true after seeing the vehicles and lack of lesser built rigs in this years KOTH.

Please understand I am in no way stiring anything, I was not there and do not care about the BS that apparently went on at the end of the event. Im more looking to see if this will return to a grass roots race.
Apparently RCRC and others believe that unless you have a $50k + rock whomper, you just don't count. I wonder about the future of the sport and the hobby in general when the entry level guys are completely ignored.
I think it is still very much a Grass Roots race, but course design this year and rain made it hard to compete. People don't see the course until the event, so the competitor count was low for other reasons besides a hard course. A cut and dry rule for the 5pm cutoff time and a split course makes the event perfect IMO. I agree that the event was more fun in years past, but I also ran in the limited big class for 2 years and the competition was not so fierce. In the buggy class you are going to get pro guys in there, I think that is the point of the unlimited class and why the entry fee is more. I would love to see the unlimited entry drop to $75 or $100, you would get more competitors I think. I think AC is evidence that this event is not about winnings, more braggin rights than anything. The guy that won had way more damage on his winning run than his winnings will cover (R&P, Radiator, etc.)
P said:
Im more looking to see if this will return to a grass roots race.

P, I totally agree with you. I have been trying to get this point across to the rest of RCRC but it seems that I've been outnumbered. That's why I asked ya'll to post up these comments on the RCRC board. They need to hear from the people who compete.

I think this was the worst event yet. The spectator entrance was down, competitor entrance was way down, the course was brutal on all rigs and almost imposible on the small guys.

I think the way it was the first year of KOTH was ideal. I'm pushing really hard to get it back to that way for next year.

I did not post on here to brag about what a great event we had, because it wasn't that great IMO. I just wanted to thank the guys who ran despite the bad conditions.
Matt O. said:
I think it is still very much a Grass Roots race, but course design this year and rain made it hard to compete. People don't see the course until the event, so the competitor count was low for other reasons besides a hard course. A cut and dry rule for the 5pm cutoff time and a split course makes the event perfect IMO. I agree that the event was more fun in years past, but I also ran in the limited big class for 2 years and the competition was not so fierce. In the buggy class you are going to get pro guys in there, I think that is the point of the unlimited class and why the entry fee is more. I would love to see the unlimited entry drop to $75 or $100, you would get more competitors I think. I think AC is evidence that this event is not about winnings, more braggin rights than anything. The guy that won had way more damage on his winning run than his winnings will cover (R&P, Radiator, etc.)

Good point Matt. Do you care if I copy/paste this on the RCRC board?

By the way, since everyone is calling people out on loaned parts.............you owe me a sheetmetal screw. molaugh
I ran in this competition years ago when it first started and as a matter of fact placed in the top ten one year. It was just what P stated earlier, a competition between mostly local folks who brought out their trail rigs and everybody ran the course for the best time. It was a fun competition that we all looked forward to each year. Over the last few years though, our sport has changed at an extremely fast pace as have our rigs! The last time I went up to watch, which was in 2007, I noticed then that the breakdown of classes was not going to favor a trail rig of any kind. This course has always been tough and tight so when you put a single seat, rear engine buggy in the same class as a heavily modified trail rig, it is still like bringing a knife to a gunfight. You have trail rigs and then you have race rigs! With that being said, I love to trail ride but just don't have the right set up to race! I am very competitive at what ever I do, but I am also old enough to pick battles that I can at least have a chance at winning!

I would love to see it go back to more of what it used to be and have a little more breakdown in the class of vehicle, a little lower entry fee, and the ability to keep the action moving. I think these three things would keep the KOTH race a local favorite!
bluetoy said:
Good point Matt. Do you care if I copy/paste this on the RCRC board?

By the way, since everyone is calling people out on loaned parts.............you owe me a sheetmetal screw. molaugh

LOL, damn how much is a sheetmetal screw worth, at least a few hundred right! :flipoff1:

I am fine if you copy and paste, I have run the event 4 years in a row and enjoy it. This year was the hardest course by far, but rain hurt also and you cannot control that. I think you just have an official put a cone behind the last ring in lineat the cutoff time. That makes it easy and eliminates some drama.
I honestly feel that the course this year was built just for the big rigs. I mean you could look at that course & see it was gonna be near impossible on the small class rigs & for the $$$, there is no way in hell Ida beat my small class rig on that for what you get. If your gonna have a small class competition then it needs to be doable by a small class rig, challenging but at least doable. I just really can't believe they actually expected the small class to be able to do it. :dunno:
DSRC said:
I honestly feel that the course this year was built just for the big rigs. I mean you could look at that course & see it was gonna be near impossible on the small class rigs & for the $$$, there is no way in hell Ida beat my small class rig on that for what you get. If your gonna have a small class competition then it needs to be doable by a small class rig, challenging but at least doable. I just really can't believe they actually expected the small class to be able to do it. :dunno:
couldnt agree with you more!
Not going to bother quoting specific statements, just general thoughts that people have stated so far. No, I wasn't there this year. But I have competed in it 3 times in the past and spectated twice. In fact, this year was the first year in memmory that I wasn't there in some form or fasion. I love this comp and I don't even like comps in general anymore. I don't really know why that is, either. Can't put it to words.

"Used to be mostly local guys."
From the pics I saw most of the guys that have always competed were there with very few that I wouldn't consider "local." I think that the "local" guys have justed built way nicer/more capable rigs than years past.

"Course favored the bigger rigs in the past."
I won that race in '03? I think in a single seater with 37" stickies. Any comp favors comp buggies in general I think. I'm building a big buggy now and I'll still enter this comp every year if I can knowing I probably can't compete just because its that fun to me. I think any of the big buggy guys who enter with winning in mind are going in with the wrong mentality. The year that guy in the McDonalds buggy with rockwells won was the only year that I can recall where a sporty comp-minded buggy DIDN'T win. And to my recollection there just weren't any comp-based buggies there that year. I could be wrong here though.

"Little guys can't compete with the moon buggies."
I agree here. I think many local comps need to address that issue somehow, not just this one. I'll be honest, the year I won I was the only one there with a comp-minded buggy.

Finally, I wish people didn't feel the need to give away their winnings all the time. The year I won no one did and I'm glad because I wasn't prepared to even contemplate that. I went in expecting not to win but when I did that money sure was welcome. For every dollar I won there was probably $100 spent trying to win so I think it is sad that people are pressured to give away their winnings after entertaining a crowd that someone else made money off of. Be forewarned, not that it will probably ever happen, but any money I win I will be keeping. Not because I need it or went in hopes of winning it but just because I'm not too good to turn down a dollar. If I want to donate it to a charity I'll donate it on my own time to a charity of my choosing and I'll do it out of the goodness of my heart and not to proove anything to a crowd and no one will ever know unless they ask.

J. J.
Rocky and I are listening and spending lots of time trying to make it competitive for all types of rigs. I went last year and enjoyed it but the corse was hard I like it faster with less stops.
JJ ,Adam gave his winning up just to show he enjoys racing that much.I told RC to give all of it to the small tire class but they wouldn't give it all.If I had it to do over again I would have accepted the check and gave it to Buggy Mike for put so much effort into trying to make a fast run.The boy workrd hard to run what he did.It's all over now so we've got to get ready for SHANNON :woot: :woot: :woot:

I know all is well and good. I wasn't just referring to this year or this comp. In years past both at this comp and others I have seen competitors give their winnings away. That's fine if you want to do it but it sucks when you could use the money and are only doing it because everyone else did.

J. J.
JJ, Adam was second the year the McDonald's buggy one, I think he was second the year before also to a big tire rig. Last year was the first time AC won I think, and he has competed in it several years. Pops, AC has to come back he makes the event

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