This may be a lil long, so Bamatoy, ya may wanna skip this one also. Oh and before U do , seriously, I wanted to tell u that I LOVE sMOKIN GOOD KUSH.. Didn't know if U knew or not..

Anyways fellas. What am I posed to say? Tried to reply last night but Dam near had tears in my eyes.. Always been a people person, there's not to many Things I can say that I'm better than anyone else at, but making folks smile and ****in myself over to make sure everyone else is ok are 2 of them ! And Thanks for this thread stano! I haven't said much since Learning what a troll was a few weeks ago, I was seriously hoping yall didn't think of me as one.
There's been about 3 times on HL that I was dead serious.. A thread about my mom, a post where I said I would beat " bigsexy's" face In with a hammer for a comment referring to my mom.. And somthing else, ha I forgot... And now this one.
It may be just plain silly, but I am kinda speechless.. This thread means a lot to me. All I have ever really cared about is helpin other folks out, and making folks laugh. I don't know why.. It's cost me more money than anyone can imagine.. And my mouth has gotten me I'm more **** than I can explain. One things for sure, every single post i have ever made is the exact thing I was Thinkin, and wish I could say.. I talk a lot , a whole lot... As I was reading I was Tryin to figure out why I am like I am. I see all kind of greedy, mean hearted fukers and it seems like they are the ones that have it all, in this lifetime anyways. I'm 100% convinced nice guys do finish last .. And I'm ok with that. Because as long as anyone that I have met thinks of me like my friends here have stated, that's all that matters to me.
I was really close to saying **** everything this week. It's been the worst week in a long time.. I'm worried sick about money, 4 pieces of equipment ate ****, and I have had what feels like heat strokes daily. Oh then there's the whole needing to get my girl a car, only to find out there's some bullshit tax lien on my credit for a measly 300 BUKS I knew nothing about, neither does the awesome county I grew up in. story of my **** dump life. It seems somtimes that living right and doing right just don't pay off. I can't let my mom down Tho.. I did to much of that.
Anyways. Thats about all the seriousness for me. Life's to short to be A ****.. Hell the older I get the more I realize that the man up stairs may pull my card any second. Like I said , as long as Im rememembered by being a good fella, that's as LOYAL as anyone on this planet, and never did anyone wrong , I guess that's all that matters. Fellas I hope this makes sense., if not PM Bamatoy, he will explain it to Ya. It's dam 200 degrees, I'm sick, and honeslty truly humbled by all of the comments. Except bamatoys.. Wata twerp. And for those that don't know.. My dad told me since I was really young , "son a twerp is someone who poots in the bathtub, and bites the bubbles before they pop". Hahahahahaha. Oh but don't worry, if i live till tonite there will be another post.or 2. For example, I wanna work on the 10% that easilucrawler doesn't laugh at my post.. Hahahah. Thanks again buddies. Hate to sound like a bitch, but dam I'm in a bad spot in life right now... So this was good to read. Haven't met one person off here I wouldn't get in my truck and ride for if they needed somthing. Never thought I would have life long friends from a forum. FAWK I'm rambling. Aight I gotta finish this job. Had to take a break, and didn't wanna not respond.