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Late night crew.


onepieceatatime said:
^^ that's about exactly how my time schedule goes these days. Worst part for me is I have to make sure I have beer in stock in case I don't get off before the cut off at 1

Haha, I have done that if I've had to work over. Walk in grab a case of beer and not realize it til the clerk at the gas station tells me it's past the cut off. But, I don't usually drink during the week. It does happen on occasions, but majority of week nights include no alcohol. Fri-Sun is guaranteed to involve alcohol though lol.
Figured I'd check in...I do nights every 4 months. Back on night shift now (6:00PM to 6:00AM) 4 days a week. Its not bad. At my job they pay you more to do less. Night shift is quiet and you can get your work done and have some time to yourself. Day shift, you get derailed by 20 different people, have nothing to show for your busy day & the only time you get to yourself, is a brief stint in the crapper on you r smart phone :****:
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TacomaJD said:
Haha, I have done that if I've had to work over. Walk in grab a case of beer and not realize it til the clerk at the gas station tells me it's past the cut off. But, I don't usually drink during the week. It does happen on occasions, but majority of week nights include no alcohol. Fri-Sun is guaranteed to involve alcohol though lol.
Shitty part is in 4-5 gas stations a night at work where I could easily grab some on the clock but if I don't think they would appreciate me having a 12 pack in the tanker.
i work 10p to 6am,this past year i took a new job and now i work 6pto 6am alot of the time and 3p to 6am alot of the time,but i like money so its not all that bad to me been doin 3rd shift for the past 9yrs anyway railroad life aint for everybody thats for sure,and the 3rd shift life well we have our own world we all live in ha

When I was driving a heavy wrecker I had a normal 7-4 shift monday through Friday but I hardly ever just worked that and I never knew when I was getting called or where I was going so I'm just glad to have a set schedule and can plan things.
I work 1:30pm till 11:00pm 5&6 days a week been on it for 7 years
I switch out with the 1st shift guy sometimes & it frigs me all up after
getting use to afternoons.
I work 4:30pm to 3am Monday-Thursday. Here lately with the overtime kicked in I've been having to work 4:30pm-4:30am Monday-Friday.
All you guys that are workin' overtime, is this a seasonal thing for'ya, or is this kinda the standard. Our company frowns big time on overtime.

Overtime is a everyday thing. I haven't worked less than 40 hrs in the past 9 years at my last 3 jobs.
We run so short that basically anytime someone takes vacation we have to bring one in to cover. Pretty much we never get vacation time, just swap it out with others. I try to work about 50 hours a week. That is what allows me to race and live comfortably. I usually never work under 110-120 hours every two weeks.

Basically our company (my department) lives on overtime. We stay at a 30-34% overtime as a whole for the papermaking dept.

Hence the name of my buggy that I could never afford without the overtime.

My new job I'm down to about 10 hours of overtime a week. When I was driving a wrecker it could be anywhere from 10 - 50+ a week. Which is highly illegal and pretty dangerous in the truck driving industry which is part of the reason I got out. If I got into an accident and was over my normal service hours I would have felt really horrible that I was more worried about making money then the safety of the people I share the road with. Which brings up another point, Never drive too close to a wrecker because there's a good chance that dude has been busting his ass and not fit to be driving. Same goes for those big time livestock haulers. Those dudes run real hard. Had one almost kill one of our drivers.

onepieceatatime said:
Same goes for those big time livestock haulers. Those dudes run real hard. Had one almost kill one of our drivers.

I've got passed on the interstate at night with my cruise set on 80 like I was setting still by several BUILT 379 Petes pulling stock trailers...

Dudes had to be breaking 100mph plus :****:

They don't mess around and they don't sleep. Dudes are badass/dumb. We had a freightliner that if the limiter was taken off would run over 100 mph. They would let them run it like that out west and they said it was a pretty cool feeling.
tonybolton said:
All you guys that are workin' overtime, is this a seasonal thing for'ya, or is this kinda the standard. Our company frowns big time on overtime.

Ours is weird. I work in Shipping/Receiving so we aren't really budgeted for overtime, but we do have to work OT some to keep up with when the manufacturing portion is running wide open.

We manufacture industrial generator components (Rotor coils, stator coils, green glass insulation parts, gaskets, and exciter/turbine end basket assemblies, main leads, small copper detail, etc.) There are two types of work, new apparatus and service work. New app flow can be slow, busy, or just average. But when we have service work, the affected departments, work a ton of overtime to get the incoming used parts refurbished and back out in the field, because somewhere a generator is down, waiting on those parts to be refurbished and returned for a generator rewind.

It's not out of the ordinary for some departments in here to run 7 10's for months on end. Damn good money, but I'm glad I'm not in that department. I'm content with my 40 hour checks most of the time lol. Most of the time they just work 1 or 2 days on the weekends every other week or so, depending on the work load. It fluctuates often.

My overtime usually picks up hard in July or August and runs through December or january, but they let us work all the overtime we want anytime as long as we have something to do.
kushKrawlin said:
SOB!! Honky making some bread! But dammit brother that's some hours. And I don't know **** about oil fields but I highly doubt ur sittin around.. Sittin around will drive me crazy and put me to sleep, but **** man you workin that ass off.. :****: BEt that 2 weeks kicks ass tho! :woot:

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Man do I got you fooled? My time off is when I actually get out and work.
civicmindedex79 said:
We run so short that basically anytime someone takes vacation we have to bring one in to cover. Pretty much we never get vacation time, just swap it out with others. I try to work about 50 hours a week. That is what allows me to race and live comfortably. I usually never work under 110-120 hours every two weeks.

Basically our company (my department) lives on overtime. We stay at a 30-34% overtime as a whole for the papermaking dept.

Hence the name of my buggy that I could never afford without the overtime.

That's how our papermaking department is also. You see guys in on overtime all the time. Plus there is a lot of seniority over there so all vacation days for the year are taken up. Low man on the totem pole has to take weekends off or lose vacation sometimes. Most don't want to take Saturdays and Sundays off cause that is time and a half for us.

Where do you work at? I work for P&G but in the tissue converting department.