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LCQ Levi


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Just saw the list on the LCQ. Number one starter is Thomas Grady, 13 years old, never racer, just done RROCK at Hannibal. They told me Levi wasnt old enough at 16 and at least has a drivers license! I think Levi could bang his way through Backdoor,LOL. What do ya'll think?
I knew that name was familiar. I remember meeting him and his dad at Hannibal. :wtflol:
Woodlee said:
PUT THE BOY IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would tell them to let Levi in or take the other kid out. You have to be fair all around. There has been a lot of miscommunication going on, I hope this does not wind up to be a cluster. Seems like there are rules and then exceptions for others...
They'll tell you it's their race and they do it the way they want. :****:
CALL THEM ON THAT CRAP !!! That is plan ridiculous WTF , all the insurance wont let us and yada yada they gave you guys but then this 13 year old can race. Thats straight horsey poop.

You sure that is the "kid" your thinking of with that name ? Call them, get a rational explination for that... dayum. :wtflol:
Is this the same kid that was in the ( I'm guessing) last issue of Crawl.
I PM'd Jeff, We'll see what is said. I imagine they stuck him in w/o thinking yo filla spot after someone dropped out of the LCQ. Mabey hes gonna spot for someone but they listed him as driver for publicity resons. Who knows?? We'll see. IF he gets in, that means I only need to stay up 26 hours a day to get ready!!! Hes got a bad head gasket. and needs a fuel tank. His new buggy only holds 3 gallons which is enough for the LCQ, but not enough for the big race. Im sure he could transfer to the KOH, his odds are good. I'll do what it takes to get him ready! we could do it.
A post in the LCQ order thread on pirate, states his dad is supposed to be behind te wheel. But this is only internet chatter. :dunno:
Just checked the thread on Pirate, someone posted that his dad is driving and I'll bet hes codriving. I was told Levi couldnt race for insurance reasons, soooo,,,,,, if Thomas is codriving that still makes him a racing "participant". Doesnt the race insurance cover the "participants"??? Not just drivers? Not trying to open a can of worms yet but it doesnt seem right. Mabey wha Pops saysis coming true! Yall might post up if it comes to it.
Dude, if he is in the car that is wrong. I would raise some hell about it if he gets to ride if they wouldn't let Levi in because of that. I don't see insurance saying passenger seat is different from driver seat in a race like that.
It is wrong and I hope it gets cleared up. I posted a couple more ??? about it on pirate we will see what happens next. No matter what I am going to be the ass hole that asked WHY!!!! but I don't really care, I think Levi should be in.
The event insurance in my opinion covers all participants, drivers and co-drivers. I cannot imagine it not covering anyone "participating" in the event.


And yes, I have seen Dave's response many times over when someone has a suggestion on something. "Great, when and where is your race being held?" :gtfo:
POPS58 said:
They'll tell you it's their race and they do it the way they want. :****:

Looks like this was the reason. :puke:

My personal opinion. I don't see what the difference is in having a 13 year old in the vehicle when something goes terribly wrong and a 16 year old driving. But, it's not my race.

They should have not allowed a 13 year old to co-drive and nothing would ever be said. You have to make a strong rule and stick by it. Like...nobody under 18 in the cockpit. That would be a rule to stick by.

They think people have their panties in a wad because they made a rule. No, people are upset because you allow something very similar in to what you were wanting to do. Rules that waffle on things do piss people off. It's like...why did that happen and not what I asked. Kind of like old W.E. Rock rules. We were told we had to have a bend on our rear body panels of the old Jeep buggy to make the panels 3d. Then, you look at rigs from out west and you can name off rig after rig that has flat body panels in your class. We were wondering how is that dudes rig in and we were told we couldn't compete unless we did this?

It's not just insurance. It's me and Jeff too. Yes, insurance initially balked. Could we have changed carriers? Potentially. Did we look into it? Yes.

You have to understand something. This isn't a rock crawling event. This isn't a rock racing event. You are starting this race in the middle of no where, and making a left turn from there. We have an obligation to not only Levi and Thomas, but every other driver out there. Plus the fans and the volunteers.

I get the fact that either of the two drivers can drive 90% under the table. I get that they have ALREADY proven what they can do on the short track. But I also get that 99% of the people bitching about this have NEVER been to the Hammers or experienced the amount of vastness you'll experience here.

Reality is, if you get in trouble here. You are at a minimum 30-60 minutes from receiving help. Any kind of help. As a parent or child YOU may be willing to take that risk. As a promoter, I'm not. When you promote your race, let me know. I'd love to go racing. But even then, my 12 year old son (who's driven almost every trail at the hammers and is one of the best spotters I've ever seen) would be sitting in the stands, watching.

Promoting this kind of event forces you to juggle alot of things and mitigate alot of risk. This is a risk that we didn't feel comfortable mitigating.

Still have a problem, call me at home or talk to me about it on the Lake Bed.

Sincere regards,

I say everybody boycott the race and let the boy drive. :popcorn:

They are prob just scared cause they know Levi don't play no games when it comes to racing or driving his rig. :****:
Thats a perfectly fine reason for not letting Levi in, its their sandbox and they write the rules. But,,,, lets play by them. If Levi is too young to participate then so is Thomas, driving or spotting.