Ben Holloway
Yall got any updates
yeah no kidding, this has go to be Sam's slowest project. I want to see some shackles hangin out of that front end
Yall got any updates
yeah no kidding, this has go to be Sam's slowest project.
Hellz yeah!!!
Gotta check out the progress on the new ride! Its been too long with no wheelin man I am jonesin big time.
You going to be around saturday afternoon/evening? I have a rc comp in the morning on saturday in kent and then I am heading your way. Hopefully I will have the dodge back from the gay azz dealer by then :looser: or Ill be drivin the wagoon.
I like how the masters are mounted.Got the same "theme" in mine now.
so is that belly pan welded in, and you just acces drivetrain from the top?
master cylinders!
Leaf springs are where its at!!! My new ride
No I am not joking