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Leave the keys in the rig?

if i am in a big group then probably leave the keys in the rig. If it is a smaller group and i have a walk a distance away from my jeep then I will take the keys. I usually try to keep my keys on me. With my first jeep i thought i locked them inside the jeep on a wheeling trip. It's habit to lock the doors when i get out. Luckly the passanger door was open.
My key's stay in my truck unless Im leaving it at camp with noone there otherwise the keys never leave the ignition..... Well unless Im wheeling near Robin, then the keys are in my pocket if Im not in it..... :haha:
Keys are for street rigs... :flipoff:

Do you lock your doors also ... :haha: :haha: :haha:
I dont think anybody could jump in my buggy and figure out all the switches to take off with, **** not even my friends can figure it out :haha:
i leave my keys in my rig at my house, BUT good luck getting it. HA HA HA, you would have to beat my dogs and then me, so i have trust or stupidity? i do live them in my truck on the trail as well
I always take the keys with me so the PO can't steal it back.

:flipoff: :flipoff:

Keys are always in my toy and my car. Small town thinking I guess. They're probably rusted in there by now. Maybe I should go see if they will come out:redneck: