Well-Known Member
Saw these at Costco on sale for 25$. saw them on Amazon for double. No more replacing bulbs for me.

They also have the led spotlight bulbs, 4 for 7.99 & the double light motion sensor flood light assembly for 32 or 33, those things are plenty bright.
LED are a weird light that seems to bright and twinkly.
Its not a light that "glows". Instead they look more like a strobe or arc light.
I dont think the are good for human eyes. Its just me tho.
Time will tell.
They are too intense and over stimulate the eye. Turn them off and your blind for a long time. I always feel as if a led in the distance reminds me of seeing someone weld from a distance. Super bright, then super dark.
They over stimulate the china type economy to. My old lights are working just fine. :beer: