TBItoy said:Ha I cocked my damn Ithaca so much that I'd get blisters on both thumbs then I'd have to switch to cocking with my index finger.
I shot mine this morning actually. Cci quiet 22 good for whacking irritating ass birds beating on my damn porch in the morning.
I shoot CB shorts, so slow you can hear a significant delay between gunfire and target impact lol. Like a big BB....So I thought. I honestly thought they were weak enough to NOT kill a stray dog that camped out on my porch howling loud as hell one night, but I was wrong. I got up, wheeled outside with the little .22 in my power chair (I don't wear my leg to bed), kicked the dog so it would run away a good distance before shooting to minimize velocity, popped one shot and he hit overdrive and ran across the field in front of my house yelping like hell. Now I gave him multiple hard kicks from my powerchair on 2 different occasions prior, but he would run off, come right back to my porch and howl again loud as hell at 4am when I was trying to go to sleep RIGHT beside my bedroom window....but sure enough, got up the next day for work, sumbitch had came back and was laying in the grass underneath my truck about dead, barely could move, with a small bloody spot on it's side. I was already gonna be pushing it to make it to work on time that day and really didn't know what to do with it, so I put him in the trunk of the Saturn and dropped him off on a backroad 5 minutes from the house and went on to work. Dammit, I felt so bad! Still feel bad everytime I think about it. I went by where I dropped him off that night after work and he wasn't there, so either he went somewhere on his own, or somebody else picked him up. We'll just assume something miraculous happened, he survived, and went on to bone plenty bitches and make babies.....Lol. Turrible story! I hate even telling it bc it makes me sound shitty, but I was running out of options.