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Matt O's Ultra4 Buggy - EOR Racing #4462

Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

bigsilly said:
If you have it figured out on the radio end give me some insight. I am lost on the radio part and I have asked several times on pbb and all anyone can say is call PCI or Rugged and pay them $2k and your good.

Any radio that can broadcast and recieve on VHF between 150-158mhz is all you need.

All PCI or Rugged really adds is service, programming and interfacing.
Service-you have trouble they help
Programming- setting the presets in your radio (a whole lot harder than it sounds, but not impossible by any means)
Interfacing- Push to talk out, helmet wiring, INTERCOM.

Here is PCI's standard programs on a four bank radio (Banks are presets like AM, FM1, FM2, XM, XM2, CD, AUX on your car radio)
There are tons of other channels out there you just want to make sure for KOH you have Weatherman, BITD, and whatever channel you plan on running on as well as a backup programmed. If you are using a pit service you'll need their freqs and well (such as BFGPITS)
I have both of KOH's freqs in my mine but they are emergency only (not the OG intention when they got registered). Those guys have been running on BITD for most everything, and then WTHRMAN for relays. And the last few races I've been involved in we used a freq not listed below to insure no one eves dropping or taking our freq and causing interference.


Channel Atr RX/TX Text
1-1 151-625000 WXMAN
1-2 151-715000 BFGRLY
1-3 154-980000 BJPITS
1-4 151-685000 NETWRK
1-5 151-925000 CHKRS
1-6 150-860000 FAIR
1-7 A 153-110000 YOKO
1-8 152-960000 CAMPNS
1-9 151-505000 CHCKR2
1-10 153.395000 BFGPT
1-11 153.380000 MAG7
1-12 B 155.160000 RESCUE
1-13 153.245000 CORE
1-14 151.775000 LCMOC
1-15 151.490000 BITD
1-16 154.515000 PCIRL


Channel Atr RX/TX Text
2-1 153.140000 AGAVE
2-2 153.620000 BECKER
2-3 153.185000 BECKER2
2-4 153.245000 DICKER1
2-5 151.580000 DICKER2
2-6 151.535000 EJR1
2-7 151.130000 EJR2
2-8 152.255000 GHANSEN
2-9 151.760000 HERZOG
2-10 151.670000 HOGMAN
2-11 151.175000 HUNT1
2-12 153.425000 HUNT2
2-13 153.680000 KOCH
2-14 153.350000 LICITRA
2-15 153.095000 LICITRA2
2-16 152.975000 MANGO1
2-17 157.500000 MANGO2
2-18 157.545000 MCGILVRY
2-19 151.580000 RJR1
2-20 153.230000 RJR2
2-21 150.950000 SMD1
2-22 151.130000 SMD2
2-23 151.855000 SMD3
2-24 152.165000 SMPUP
2-25 157.560000 SHEPARD
2-26 152.045000 SHEPARD2
2-27 151.370000 STARTS
2-28 151.250000 STARTS2
2-29 151.970000 TATUM
2-30 151.010000 C&C
2-31 151.415000 DUKES1
2-32 152.180000 DUKES2
2-33 152.285000 S&G1
2-34 153.185000 S&G2
2-35 153.245000 VOSS1
2-36 152.720000 VOSS2
2-37 152.870000 PROTRUCK


Channel Atr RX/TX Text
3-1 153.725000 BALDWIN
3-2 151.790000 COLLINS
3-3 153.365000 ENDURO
3-4 152.585000 GREER1
3-5 154.490000 GREER2
3-6 151.000000 GORDON1
3-7 151.520000 GORDON2
3-8 157.650000 HERBST1
3-9 157.695000 HERBST2
3-10 152.990000 HERDER
3-11 152.425000 JEFFRIES
3-12 152.105000 JONES
3-13 152.585000 RAGLAND1
3-14 152.615000 RAGLAND2
3-15 157.815000 RAGLAND3
3-16 157.845000 RAGLAND4
3-17 156.255000 RIVIERA1
3-18 153.515000 RIVIERA2
3-19 152.075000 ROBERTS1
3-20 151.135000 ROBERTS2
3-21 154.615000 SESSA
3-22 153.635000 SKILTON
3-23 154.585000 SOURAPAS
3-24 152.315000 SOURAP2
3-25 153.035000 STEINBER
3-26 151.535000 TAYLOR1
3-27 152.330000 TAYLOR2
3-28 150.935000 VILDOSOL
3-29 153.455000 VOSBURG


Channel Atr RX/TX Text
4-1 153.020000 QUINN
4-2 152.900000 WILSON1
4-3 152.450000 WILSON2
4-4 152.855000 WILSON3
4-5 151.640000 JULSON
4-6 151.025000 MARKING
4-7 153.440000 WEYRICH
4-8 153.155000 FORTIN

Example you can buy the ICOM F121 from PCI for $338 or from Two Way Radio Online for $258, but you wont get the beefy mount or the programming (example of that is PCI charges $25 a load after the fact on your channels. so if you have or need more than their standard load, tell them when you order not after the fact as it will cost you)

If I were buying a radio right now thats fairly cheap for pretty sick is ICOM's ICV8000 sells for just under $300 on Amazon 75watt (shhhhh) 10 Banks vs. the F121 with only 4 banks and 50watt. Put one in the buggy and one in the chase truck. Also its good to get at least one good 5watt handheld and program it for the same freqs. That way the chase crew doesnt have to sit in the truck waiting for you to show up. Most trucks get backed into the pit, so sitting in the truck is looking the wrong way. Note you'll be able to hear the car on the 5watt, but likely not be able to reach out and touch the car on the handheld.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

I've got no insite on the Intercom or how to source it outside of PCI or Rugged.
I have a PCI Comlink 6.
Its been flawless, but I hate for what we do that when the co-dog gets out of the car you are no longer hooked up. Only trick I know is to have a handheld stashed in a pocket for the co-dog to grab once he leaves the car and he can come over the radio to spot for the driver.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Yeah so PCI's standard KOH package is $825 for intercom, radio and all wiring except helment kits. Helment Kits are $100, so that is $925 since Daniel already has a wired helment. They told me they could do the HDS-5 GPS for $525 after rebate, so out the door for everything is $1450 at PCI. I was going to use this Yaesu Radio with an external speaker for the chase truck http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/fm_txvrs/2900.html and the price on the the chase truck package is $255. So $1705 for everything.

Next Option is Rugged, their top of the line package that includes the same radio, intercom, helment kit, wiring, etc. with GPS is $1344.4 + $255 for pit truck package also. So total is $1600. So save about $100. I have heard Rugged is not as good quality as PCI though?

Third Option is the cheaper rugged intercom, 2 push to talks and a Yaesu radio cable is $507 + 2 Yaseu Radios for car and pits, Antennas & GPS for 945.85. Grand total there is $1452 for everything, but those are modified HAM radios and are not as good quality wise. Total package is $250/cheaper though.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Matt I have external speakers on my CB and on my Raceradio in my truck they are just a standard CB external radio, same plug on the back of both radios.
Midland 21-406's they run $20 just about everywhere. I got mine from Frye's for $19.99 (their store is near my house). On that site you linked they are wanting $45.95, thats $25 in savings right there.
You can also get a splitter to plug in the back of the radio and run two speakers. One in the cab, and another you can set on the roof when in a pit with the volume cranked ;D

I've not used Rugged, but my experience with PCI has been AWESOME.
I've had 5 helmets wired by PCI, I've outfitted two seperate trucks with radios, my old buggy, and our salt car, I've got two sets of crewchief headsets and handhelds. All programmed with our custom freq's. Two of those helmets were setup for DeFeNder HAN's by PCI.
Jimmy even hooked it out of the Parker425 Tech/Contingency out to my truck to make some radio mods in it so we could pick up some stuff we didnt catch in the past. Great service.

When it came to coming up with a solution for the Bonneville car where we couldnt exactly run an antenna on the body, Scott Steinberger called me direct off of an email and discussed the issues, and came up with a solution.
At the salt this year, we had multiple teams come and check out our communications as it's something infinately better than the antiquated CB's that SCTA currently runs and requires.
The guys that did ride along in our push truck were blown away that we had comms with the driver down the whole course. Yep, the old goats on the salt are still rocking CB's for everything.

One thing I'm going to get though is a tunable modifed HAM handheld with a scanner on it. So its infinately adjustable not just to your presets. I've had several instances occur when I needed to hit a freq that I didnt have as a preset.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

I talked with Chris Kelly at Rugged Radios and got setup today. I ended up with a heavily discounted demo model intercom, a 50-watt vertex radio, helmet kit, 2-PTT, cabling, antenna, ipod cable, etc. for $750 shipped. Chris Kelly is the GM and is very easy to deal with, the other Chris that works there is not good to deal with. Rugged will be onsite at KOH also, so that will help with tuning and what not. They program all the offroad frequencies in the radio and will be adding two channels just for our team to use. I still need to buy the pit truck radio and gps, will order those tommorrow. I have a guy from PBB that is going to mod and program the Yaesu radio and ship it to me for our pit truck. I am glad I was finally able to make a decision on communications gear!
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Badass!!! And great price too! Radios can make or break a race IMO.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Thanks for the props Anthony!

So I am going to pick the buggy up this weekend, and hope to be in the woods testing and tuning next weekend. Jimmy @ EOR has had a lot of fitment issues with the new motor. He has had to modify the driver's side valve cover to clear the orbital, the headers to clear the frame rails and the Moroso gated pan he uses was too wide so we went with a Kevko. Also, all the communications gear is here and it will get installed once I get the rig back. Still waiting on some pics from Jimmy, this is all I have so far.

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Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

What headers did you end up going with?
Jimmy is slacking with pics :****:
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Yeah, what headers did you use. I am using the Hooker block huggers on mine. One side works perfect, one side is going to take a little work to make it happen.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Advance Adapters Headers that are tight fit, that is what Jimmy recommended. Chrome son ;D
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

I am anxious to see what you say about the power when you mash on it. That engine is a beast just in stock form.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Mat , your rig has been through more surgerys than Sarah Burge . (Look it up)
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

The headers are gonna have to be custom, so that is great for the budget. Also the older cable driven ECM we were going to use is fried so we need a new one. Epic
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades


How much u want for those AA Headers? I might able to use them. :woot:

Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Im just glad you got a good Gen III motor for the old girl. Should put some pep in her step.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

CharlieInTheTrees said:

How much u want for those AA Headers? I might able to use them. :woot:


They suck, Advanced Adapters may can make transfer case ****. But not headers. I have a set on the single seater, and constantly have to re-weld them. To the point of spending a hundred having one tube on each side replaced. They also don't flow well. To do over I would put manifolds on it befroe AA headers.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

I got a set of Hooker Block Huggers for mine and just looking at them they look nice. One side fits like a glove, the other side the motor mount is right in the way. I believe it can be made to work with a little massaging.
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Does anybody know where we can buy and ECM and have it sent quick? Ours is fried and we need to have an ECM that is flashed and ready to go by Friday. I tried SpareECM on eBay, they can't even ship. Anybody have an east coast source that sells ecms and can flash also?
Re: Matt O's Buggy & EOR KOH Upgrades

Matt O. said:
Does anybody know where we can buy and ECM and have it sent quick? Ours is fried and we need to have an ECM that is flashed and ready to go by Friday. I tried SpareECM on eBay, they can't even ship. Anybody have an east coast source that sells ecms and can flash also?

Call Howell EFI. I sent mine to them late last week, they got it yesterday and was sending it back out to me yesterday. Call Troy at 810-765-5100.

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