Headed to summertown, tn
www.wheelininthecountry.com to our anual newyears ride. The rig did awesome! yes there were some some bugs, but ive found solutions..
Heres the only pic i have (waiting on buddies pix).
So, the bugs:
Blew a coolant hose off, no biggie... then the rad cap wouldnt seal completely.. had spare.. now temps stayed at 180* in 50* weather.. only time it saw 210* was in lo range from obstacle to obstacle at about 3k RPMs, then quickly cooled. Ran the motor pretty much non stop from 9am to 6pm, even did brodies with the other rednecks :redneck:
The t-case doesnt shift as easy with these shorter shifters. Going to work on the linkages.
Visibility... Somethings gonna be done to the bed so i can see. Im not used to so much sheetmetal

Needs lights for our nite wheelin adventures:super:. Defroster doesnt work which makes it a PITA to drive when foggy..
Seats. looking for suspension seats... any suggestions?
Removing the poly spacers in the rear to lower/level it. Add bump stops to the front.
Got some parts for the front d/s now that i was able to fully flex it and check for angles...
Overall, it performed better than i expected. I didnt wail on it, i like to crawl, but got on it enough to fully test everything. Going to adjust a few things, start the exo and bumpers then clean and paint.
Dave, sorry you didnt get to wheel it...