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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody! Hope everyone has a great and blessed holiday season.
mikeparker said:
For all the samurai nuts.

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the trails,
every Jeep was stranded, their progress like snails.
They had no shovels, no rope and no winch,
no CB, no cell-phone, to get out of their pinch.
When out from a mud pit, there arose such a clatter;
all the wheelers came running to see what was the matter.
I saw a Jeep all covered in crud;
he had blown his motor trying to get through the mud.
As he stood there I noticed his glowing red face,
and I knew in an instant he wanted out of this place.
I glanced at his roof, it was all I could see;
He pleaded for help from my little 1.3.
So I opened the box in the back of my Sam,
and pulled out a strap, said "Hook er up boy!"
He went for a swim In the watery hell,
and I just laughed as he cussed and yelled.
He hooked up the strap to his buried front hook,
I pulled out the slack just like in the book.
I locked in my hubs and dropped in 4 low,
he looked up and said to me, "just take er slow"
He knocked off his boots and climbed back in his truck,
then the fun came, time to get him un-stuck.
I rev'ed up to 5 and then dumped the clutch,
looked back at his face, he yelled "NOT THAT MUCH!"
The strap pulled tight and arose from the mud,
one broke down Jeep, one 4 liter dud.
All gathered round, couldn't believe what they saw,
I grined and said "it's a Suzuki thing ya'll"
I could tell he was pissed as he stepped out,
but he shook my hand, cause that's what it's all about.
I then drove my Samurai through the same mud and muck;
no problem for me, cause I got a REAL 4x4!
I wound down my window as I drove out of sight,
and smugly yelled "Next time Stay home Christmas night!"

Merry Christmas!

Ps. Stole from another group

Lol, I enjoyed that laughing1
tonybolton said:
Some people watch It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story every year... But I always watch this...

It's terrible....dont click it....hide ya wives....hide ya kidz...hide ya huzbands cuz this link be 'fendin errybody out'cheer...


I somehow missed this one too...I literally just about choked on my coffee! molaugh
Watched tonight at work, destined to become a Christmas Classic

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We all will die but Jesus was born to die. May you all have a blessed Christmas. It's all about the baby. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords came to us in a manger in a dirty barn.

Merry Christmas!!! May you all get a John Cena Action figure!!