Update. 2 years later.
I'm currently up feeding baby number two. The phenomenon has ceased. Sunburn has peeled and healed. Most of my vision was regained. My dog still has ptsd and you have to warn her before you turn on any light.
Turns out the neighbor hosting the light show has moved. But has been replaced....
The house was granted permission to be used as a little electronics store. Never mind it's in a neighborhood with no other businesses and previous owner bitched at the rental property next to him because he didn't want any business on this road. But I guess he was moving. So why not screw the neighborhood. Who cares?! When I spoke to new owner, he asked if I had noticed any crazy lights at night. He then goes on to tell me that the previous owner had his floods rigged to a concert grade strobe system. Who knew?!
They've been removed. Instead we now have a 40' flag pole with aforementioned lights relocated to surrounding the base and a 15'x6' sign for the store mounted right below the flag on the pole. At least now, I can rest easy and salute ole glory while feeding this little poop factory. And if I ever need a vcr repaired or data pulled off a floppy disc, I know who to go to.
I can only imagine that somewhere on the web, a recently blinded pilot is talk to texting a similar story about how there are some kind of awful, intense, horrific lights from hell that came from below and burned out his retinas at night while on his way to drop a 737 full of bachelorette parties at BNA. I feel your pain brotha...I feel your pain.