kushKrawlin said:What did the awesome beer cooler go for? The one Ya pressed the button and it shot out.. I was wondering how much it would go for.
C'mon now mr john. It's an off road event.. 95% guys , that have had a few drinks, and it's dam 8 pm at night. I Have half a brain cell left and I dam sure know to expect there to be some language. Hope u ain't beatin Urself up over this. Pretty sure we know who u are and Ur intentions.. You cant control someome a lil tipsy anyways.. And shouldn't have to ! Im really weird about foul mouths around my youngin too, but I wouldnt have brought her to the auction part.. And let a GD fly right in front of her and holy **** someone throw a xannie bar in my mouth quick, cause it's on. .. Atter being warned, if it's done again I'm comin off the top ropes!! Haha. All in all it was fun as ****. Just wanna wheel one time when its dry. Dang it! Took me hours to get most of the mud off. HahaJohnG said:Sorry about that. The first one caught me off guard also, but I looked around and did not see any small kids, and seemed like everybody was enjoying the "show". I wish you had walked up to me rather than leaving, I would have taken action. I am sorry you felt you had to leave, we will make sure it is more family oriented in the future as to language.
kushKrawlin said:All in all it was fun as ****. Just wanna wheel one time when its dry. Dang it! Took me hours to get most of the mud off. Haha
JohnG said:Driver Friday (5 @ $40) ---------------- $200.00
Driver Saturday (92 @ $40) ---------$3,680.00
Driver Weekend (72 @ $55)---------$3,960.00
Passenger (148 @ $5) ------------------$740.00
Workers (7) ----------------------------------$0.00
Tip Jar----------------------------------------$537.00
Poker Run-----------------------------------$110.00
Total Income $19,153.00
Credit Cards -----------------------------$5,475.00
Total $19,153.00
1,000 Flag Wristbands --------------------$29.80
Square fee-----------------------------------$151.35
Park Rental--------------------------------$4,000.00
Total Expenses $4,190.14
Net to Charity $14,962.86
I will add to that to make it $15,000.00.
Thanks to everyone involved, great time for a good cause. Autism Of Alabama.
JohnG said:You need to ask Santa for a camera, one with FOCUS!!!!!!!!!!!
bad80cj said:Santa can I get a new camera phone for Christmas?![]()