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MM - Shamrock Run 2015 - March 20-22, 2015


I went ahead and contacted Steve aka S10me's wife and asked her to if she had a charity that meant allot to her. She came back with one that is dear to her heart. This years donations will be going towards Autismspeaks.org.

Imagine having a lot to say and not being able to communicate it, that you scream and hit in public. Imagine being so scared to go in a restroom because it is too loud, that you prefer to wet your pants. Imagine eating the same three meals every day because you cannot handle the change. This is a small portion of what it is like to be Autistic. Hi! My name is Marcy Gordon, for those that don't know me I am the better half of s10me/Steve Gordon. I was asked if there was a charity that was near and dear to my heart for the 2015 ShamRock Ride. After thinking about it, I decided on Autism Speaks (https://www.autismspeaks.org). I have worked with autistic children in the Paulding County School District for eight years, I felt that a charity involving autism would be a great tribute to my students. Autism Speaks brings awareness to autism. It is Autism Speaks goal to change the future for all who struggle with an autism spectrum disorder. They are dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a possible cure for autism.
Did you know ...

• Autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys
• Autism prevalence figures are growing
• Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.
• Autism costs a family $60,000 a year on average
• Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism
• There is no medical detection or cure for autism
My students are like any other students they are just a little different than what society thinks is the norm. They are smart, loving, hardworking, kind, and funny kids. I want to bring awareness for them. Autistic children have many strengths and abilities. It may seem that autism is a negative diagnosis. But everyone on the autism spectrum has a great deal to offer the world. With your help we can make these children's lives a little easier by bringing awareness.

Thank you so much for your support.
Huge right there.
This disease affects my extended family as well as close friends. No race cred or culture is immune to autism.
Can't wait to give!
While I support Autism as a cause. I cannot support Autism Speaks Charity. They have many complaints, a bad reputation, and don't give enough back to programs, instead, they give it to themselves as high salaries and to fund raising efforts.

According to their IRS 2013 990 form filed. They have in income of $63,786,909. Their salaries for 291 employees are $23,043,100, They have two employees making over $430,000.

Programs - 70.9%
Administration Expenses - 4.6%
Fund Raising Expenses - 24.4%


This is not a charity I want to be a part of.

There are others that rank high, but these are the best I have found with about 2 hours research.

Autism Research Institute:
Programs - 89.5%
Administration Expenses - 7.1%
Fund Raising Expenses- 3.2%

Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation For Autism
Programs - 81.7%
Administration Expenses - 9.9%
Fund Raising Expenses - 8.3%
Same reason I choose to not give to United way. Autism gets my vote, but let's really try to make sure the money goes to the right place.
CheapJ7 said:
Same reason I choose to not give to United way. Autism gets my vote, but let's really try to make sure the money goes to the right place.

Yes, I agree completely. I did not do enough research on Autismspeaks. Thank you all for pointing this out.
sorry, that was not Marcy's first choice of charities but the lady she wanted to support would not get back in touch with her so we hastily chose Autism Speaks. Thanks John for checking into the charity.
I'm just glad I don't hafta choose! The charity near and dear to my heart is Hydrocephalus Association and ya'll would rip me a new a-hole given their score on those sites. LOL.
I contacted a good friend who has worked with autism for many years. She isn't affiliated with this organization, but said this is where she donates the bulk of her contributions.



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We will be doing another poker run this year. Everyone last year hard a great time so why not do it again. So hear are the rules.

1. Must be 18 to play.

2. Fee: $10.00 (one hand) Winner wins 50 percent of the pot. For example, if 50 people enter, the pot is $500. The winner will receive $250. The other 50 percent will be donated to the Shamrock Run 2015 charity,

3. There will be a trail ride with 5 designated sites (map will be given.). At each site will be a trinket bucket (bucket of nuts or a bucket of bolts…you get the idea) . You will take a trinket from each site. You can travel in any order. The trinkets will be placed at the designated site by 9 am Saturday. The poker run will start at 10:00 am Saturday. You must be registered by 10:00 am, Saturday. Winner will be announced before the auction.

4. You will take your 5 trinket to the pavilion and draw 5 cards. One card each from 5 decks (sealed cards).

5. Your card will be scored by the judge when you draw them.

6. A hand will consist of 5 cards (one card each from 5 decks (sealed cards).

7. No one can turn in your trinkets for you. The individual that registered for the poker run must be the person to turn in the trinkets and draw his/her hand.

8. High hand wins. Hands with 5 of a kind are not permitted. High Hands will be ranked as follows: 1) Royal Flush 2) Straight Flush 3) Four of a Kind 4) Full House 5) Flush 6) Straight 7) Three of a Kind Cool Two Pair 9) Pair and 10) High Card. For Low Hands, Aces are hight, Straights & Flushes do not count as combos In the event of 5 of a kind – this will supercede rolyal flush.

9. In the event of a tie, the winning players duke it out John Wayne style or split the pot.

10. Five individual decks will be used (one card from each deck) . It is entirely possible to draw duplicate cards.

11. All participants must be present at the Check-in table to draw their cards (person registered for poker run must turn in trinkets and draw hand) and must be present at the final awards ceremony to receive prize.

12. Be courteous and yield right of way to others.

13. All decisions by the judges are final.

14. Other rules may be put in place the day of the run at the judges' discretion. Announcements will be made prior to the start if any changes are
Just a little update. So far we have donations from

Catoma Package https://www.facebook.com/catoma.package
Snap-on Brian Feazell
Rednecklights https://www.facebook.com/rednecklights
MadRam11 http://madram11productions.com/
4WheelParts http://www.4wheelparts.com/
Bustedknuckle films http://www.bustedknucklefilms.com/
Mash Yer Motor Racing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHCSr24JFQ0
40 Spline http://www.40spline.com/
Patooyee http://patooyee.com/wordpress401/
Scott's Auto

Please look around and see what ya have laying around that ya can donate to the cause! It's coming up soon!

:woot: :woot: :woot:
Talked to Dustin from 4wheelparts and he says he is bringing some really good donations again this year :drinkers:

I am hoping to get a few more things together before the big day. Life has thrown some curve balls, but I am still swinging.

Kel Lawrence