I feel like I may need to apologize to some folks for **** that I may or may not have done Saturday night around auction time.

You see, Saturday was my first experience with this "shine" stuff yall keep talkin about. :****: It didn't help a bit that Gary was edging me on.

I can't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure the end result was me makin' an ass outta myself. All I can say is, I doubt I will have a hankerin for some shine anytime soon :****: So if a big bearded, drunker than hell sumbitch said or did something offensive, he's deeply sorry and promises it won't happen again....soon
Did have a great time other than the shine induced drunk stupor right around auction time. This was my first time at Morris and my first Shamrock Run. Met some good folks and even got to hitch a ride with a few. I think I'd like to come to the next one if yall let me in! Any word yet on how much was raised for the cause?