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MMORV - Shamrock Run

Let me elaborate on the Busted Knuckle Incident.

I had some ladies tank tops I was trying to get rid of. So I told a few people to stop bye at the end of the day and I would give em one.

2 chicks decided that they would go into my trailer while I wasnt there and take about 20 shirts. Steveo and John G caught them red handed walking across the parking lot with an armful of shirts...... They claimed I told them to go pass them out. Steveo and John took the shirts back. Meanwhile I get back from filming and find out about the incident and go looking for the culprits. I find the older curly haired blonde's husband and tell him about the situation. I told him to send her and her friend up to the pavilion to clear things up.

The auction starts at the pavilion. Girl #2 shows up with her boyfriend, she starts trying to tell me how they were trying to help me out by passing out shirts. laughing1. I laugh and call her a thief in front of her man. He gets pissed, She starts telling me how I should have locked my trailer up. I told her that the folks around here are like family to me and wouldn't steal from me & that it was only trash like herself that I had to worry about. I told her that she was lucky I didnt call the cops. I then tell her that I should post a picture of both of them online with the heading "THIEF". They leave. She comes back with the blonde curly haired chick. Blonde chick apologizes profusely. I forgive. Brunette starts making excuses again. I once again call her a thief and walk away.

Boyfriend was overheard later yelling at said brunette. I guess he found out she was a theif? :flipoff1:.


Big thanks to all of those that stood behind me as all of this was going down.

anyway you look at its wrong! that makes two straight weekends where good people have had something takin from them at two different parks. we work hard for what we have and we should be able to make the decision on who get what and for how much.I agree with Matt he ought to post their pictures.
Boyfriend was overheard later yelling at said brunette. I guess he found out she was a theif? :flipoff1:.



Did she have any LED lights on her? :dunno: molaugh

I know, pretty tasteless, but if I didn't go there, Chris would have :flipoff1:
I hate to hear that and I too hate a theif more then anything. >:( Glad you got your shirts back and got to confront them. I hope this doesn't start becoming a problem cause I always have a lot of money in parts and tools that stay on my truck and have never worried about coming back to it being gone.
Matt, I still can't Believe They actually tried to make it your fault. It just goes to show that some people were not raised right. I was waiting for Jimmy to jumpslapmulekick that chick in the mouth :dblthumb: I'm glad you got them back man!
Thanks to everyone who helped me/tried to help me with that piece of crap suburban tow rig that died on me. We finally got it, my buggy, and my trailer home Sunday evening.

Thank you to Jimmy who took time out of his dinner to give me advice on what to look for, I really appreciate the help you give to someone you have never met. I finally got a hold of a manual on Sunday AM like you mentioned, but still couldn't figure things out. By that point, I just wanted to get the girlfriend out of the mud and home....so i called in reinforcements to come collect my crap and drag our muddy asses home.

Thanks to all that stopped on Sunday as we were parked at the gate and made sure we were OK. Again...I appreciate the offers to help someone you have never met.

Wheeling was fun though while the rain held off! I was in my green and black buggy and had a great time out there! I REALLY wanted to make it up V-Notch after the rain.....but overheated before I could.... oh well, it happens.

I'll be back for the next one!