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Momentum Buggy

Congrats Peter. That looks like one safe rock bouncer. It looks like you have great headroom with helmet. And the door bars go up high to protect you in a bad roll. The bar placement might just make it the safest out there. Looks like his safety was the number one goal in the design. Good job.

As to Peter's "toys". Well, he is in the helecopter business, those are not toys, that is how he makes a living. Peter has taken some HUGE risks, and they have paid off for him. For putting it all on the line, the man deserves what he has.

What a guy, and one that I am proud to call a friend.
Whether he makes money with them or not Helicopters are the coolest toys out there!Ive never been in one but it would have to be awesome to make a living flying them.Prob make going into work not so bad!This Buggie has the tits for parts should be interesting to see what becomes the weak spot now????
JohnG said:
Congrats Peter. That looks like one safe rock bouncer. It looks like you have great headroom with helmet. And the door bars go up high to protect you in a bad roll. The bar placement might just make it the safest out there. Looks like his safety was the number one goal in the design. Good job.

As to Peter's "toys". Well, he is in the helecopter business, those are not toys, that is how he makes a living. Peter has taken some HUGE risks, and they have paid off for him. For putting it all on the line, the man deserves what he has.

What a guy, and one that I am proud to call a friend.

well said John........me, mo ,and brian spent several hours down there in the winter with Peter looking at a chassis.....and he was one of the coolest people ive ever been around..... :dblthumb:
I for one am fairly exited about gettin to see this new mochine hit some hills,,,especially since I know the man that will be driving it is the one what drove like THIS on CABLE HILL ,,,,,



:woot: :woot: :woot:
zukiscott said:
I for one am fairly exited about gettin to see this new mochine hit some hills,,,especially since I know the man that will be driving it is the one what drove like THIS on CABLE HILL ,,,,,



:woot: :woot: :woot:

Iv only met Peter once actually right before that picture was taken and for him having some random kid come up an talk to him he was extremely nice. Cant wait to see the new rig, I hope he'll bring it to the Fall for All.
TacomaJD said:
^^^ x 2,000

:dblthumb: and hell yea, Cole tell that mofo to get that shiny bitch out there and put some dirt on it....I bet that thing is gonna sound like a caged beast on any good hill climb!Bring it to RBD so we can watch it thrash on Primos!!!! :drinkers:

Forget Primos I want to see it in the Punisher!
gdf said:
well said John........me, mo ,and brian spent several hours down there in the winter with Peter looking at a chassis.....and he was one of the coolest people ive ever been around..... :dblthumb:

Yep, Invited us in his home like he knew us all his life. Hell of a good guy in my book. Can't believe he wouldn't adopt me though. molaugh
Draco said:
Yep, Invited us in his home like he knew us all his life. Hell of a good guy in my book. Can't believe he wouldn't adopt me though. molaugh
gdf said:
well said John........me, mo ,and brian spent several hours down there in the winter with Peter looking at a chassis.....and he was one of the coolest people ive ever been around..... :dblthumb:

Haters gonna hate! He was nothing like i pictured he'd be after seeing his pad.. He's as down to earth as anyone.
The buggy is not my cup o tea but I'm sure it'll get beat :woot:
Draco, i had dibs on adoption...i asked first :flipper:
TacomaJD said:
I just said Primos cuz I'll be hillside with a cooler full at RBD lol

Where is the Punisher?

Josh Punisher is also at MM it is over beside V-notch (check videos from SETTC).

I have met Peter a couple of times great guy. I just want what he has hanging from the ceiling in the shop. Congrats on the new Buggy its flashemifyougotem flashemifyougotem :****:
Bronco Buster said:
Josh Punisher is also at MM it is over beside V-notch (check videos from SETTC).

I have met Peter a couple of times great guy. I just want what he has hanging from the ceiling in the shop. Congrats on the new Buggy its flashemifyougotem flashemifyougotem :****:

Cool, last year at RBD was my first visit to MM and I really didn't ride the park much til dark after the hill race....so I was :drinkers: and didn't pay attention to names of any of the obstacles besides V-notch molaugh
You guys crack me up. I read my comment and laugh. You bunch a nancy pants get all butt hurt and worry like I called him a child molesting, Nazi. I am a self made man. I own my own business and I do ok. I'm not in mega money land, but that's ok. It's also ok that he does well for himself. Keep reading my comments and taking them as bad as you can, it makes me smile a little brighter.

Got to get to bed for I have to work on my junk before going in to work tomorrow afternoon. In the mean time, his junk is still ugly and no matter how any hills he climbs, scrapes or scratches he gets....that won't change.
Can't believe all you haters out there made comments about his toys/work tools and not a one of you said you were jealous of his awful nice looking Kubota tractors! Y'all best get your priorities fixed and concentrate on the important stuff like that instead of the shiny things :****:
lowbudgetjunk said:
You guys crack me up. I read my comment and laugh. You bunch a nancy pants get all butt hurt and worry like I called him a child molesting, Nazi. I am a self made man. I own my own business and I do ok. I'm not in mega money land, but that's ok. It's also ok that he does well for himself. Keep reading my comments and taking them as bad as you can, it makes me smile a little brighter.

Got to get to bed for I have to work on my junk before going in to work tomorrow afternoon. In the mean time, his junk is still ugly and no matter how any hills he climbs, scrapes or scratches he gets....that won't change.

::) :gay: What makes people get butt hurt is when some prick behind a keyboard calls a guy a cock and tells him to :gtfo: ..go :flipper: yourself :afro:
interesting......now you judge this prick , tell me to go, double **** myself and call me black ;D
I hate to get all political (no I don't) but since when is being successful a bad thing? Oh yeah, since the socialists got in charge.