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Moral Decay in America!

I don't hate on gays as a sin, I hate on them as a religious and political movement. They DEMAND that churches accept them, recognize their marriage as legit, or even perform the marriage. There are already discrimination lawsuits on the dockets for churches that refused to marry them. It is also possible to lose your 501(c)(3) status if they don't perform a gay marriage.


There are things in the marriage ceremony that I can't imagine a preist being able to say, like "Holy matrimony" and "under God" with a clean concience. And for the churches and clergy that do, I can't see how you can treat the Bible as a bag of trail mix: pick and choose what you want to keep and ignore the rest. The Bible clearly states it as a no-no, and some churches condone and promote it. I wish I could find a church to support my porn addiction...

I think you missed my point. I'm saying that some people could just be born that way and don't have any choice over the matter. I never had to decide that I like women because it's always just been my instinct that I find them attractive but not dudes. Somebody else could just be wired the other way it's not my place to judge them for that.

I don't agree at all with them being able to go after churches, bakers, or whoever else doesn't agree with them and won't cater to their needs. They're just the pot calling the kettle black when they pull that stuff. There's a difference between equal rights and special rights for all groups whether you're white, black, yella, straight, or gay. I think they handled the gay marriage thing all wrong. They should've just made their own "marriages" or "unions" if they love each other they shouldn't be worried about whether the state recognizes it. Someone could've made a lot of money by being the first insurance company to recognize them as being together and would've had a huge market all to themselves till other companies realized how much money they could make. Then if the government stepped in and actually started arresting them for doing all that I would have a problem with that because I can't stand an over bearing government just like I can't stand when the gay community forces companies to do something against their beliefs.
Neal3000 said:
To me, the worst sin is all the Hate that people have for others. What do you think is worse in God's eyes, being gay or being full of hate for gays?
I wouldn't put Em in an order. I couldn't, cause I don't know.. But I can tell Ya that I believe hatred for others is way up there .. I would imagine the man upstairs don't care for anyone hating or treating another one of his creations like ****.. I think that disgust him.
Hell , I Smoke more reefer than, I would say the average man(or 10) But I ain't gotta mean bone in my body and would do anything just about for anybody. That's the way it should be.
Ya know one thing I'll never get is, I see so many really really smart, just good hearted people that are not believers... And meanwhile my retarded ass is scratchin my head wondering why. I ain't a preacher, I'm generally in no position to tell anyone how to live. But there HAS to be the same "what if" that's in my head, in theirs. I have noticed as I got older, that it seems the really intelligent, I mean really smart folks seem to have a hard time believing ... I think it's cause they need proof and there's no one that can show them. Man it's such a tough subject.
Might be part of why i don't keep on and on about it. If I was always Tryin to lead folks to the lord, I'd end up slammin my head through the wall from frustration.. My whole thing is... If I'm wrong, no harm done, it didn't hurt anyone . BUT if they are wrong.. Aw man, that would NOT be good, and kinda warm from what I hear, for A really long time (forever).
I'm done rambling.
And for the record, I ain't never clicked on the porn part of HL. NEVER. If I wanted to look at porn I would. Not pics of an ass or some hot chick posing for the camera. That's one thing I WILL never understand. To me that's just plain dumb and a waste of time. But I do smoke large quantities of high grade marijuana. So like pholmann said, All sins are equal, so I'm just as sinful as the pervs! Ha.
Neal3000 said:
It seems like such a life of misery and shame, i can't imagine anyone actually choosing it
It's a choice man. They fall back on "I was born this way!" Hell wouldn't u?? Good lord what else Ya gonna tell someone is the reason U like goobers? I dam sure wouldn't throw "nah man it's cool to smoke poles, I just decided I like it" out there.. Hahahah id go straight for the "I was born this way and I hate it" approach.
If I was BROCK or another homo. Wouldn't you? Ha.
This isn't that complicated.

1) Secular marriage recognized by the state. Gays have every right to enter into legal contracts like any other person/couple and that's all marriage is when you're talking about the .gov
2) Religious marriage recognized by your religious organization. Last I checked we have freedom of religion in this country, belong to whatever religious organization fits your beliefs
3) Separation of church and state
4) Get the .gov out of the marriage biz all together

It's not a gay marriage issue to me. **** the .govt and their ability to stick their noses in every detail of everyone's lives, monetize it, and **** it up. Gays should have pushed to eliminate the govt licensing ANYONE's marriage. That's a platform I could get behind (no pun intended).
kushKrawlin said:
It's a choice man. They fall back on "I was born this way!" Hell wouldn't u?? Good lord what else Ya gonna tell someone is the reason U like goobers? I dam sure wouldn't throw "nah man it's cool to smoke poles, I just decided I like it" out there.. Hahahah id go straight for the "I was born this way and I hate it" approach.
If I was BROCK or another homo. Wouldn't you? Ha.

Yeah i don't buy that. IMO, the only men who actively choose to be queer are the ones who can't get any pootytang for various reasons

I can see parenting causing it in some situations, like when mama raises her son like a girl, or daddy really wanted a boy but decided to turn his daughter into one instead, but what about someone who turns out gay that comes from a multi kid family all raised the same and the rest are normal?
I think the states should individually stop giving marriage licenses all together, but since that is a revenue generator, they won't.

Most people don't understand the Supreme Court ruling about gay marriage... The states DO NOT HAVE to allow gay marriage... Its just that IF they are going to allow marriages, they can't put limitations on the marriage due to sex/sexual identity.

Hell, heterosexual interracial marriage was illegal in most places at one time... I think Alabama just made it legal in 2000 or so.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that the Supreme Court has never handed down a ruling that forced anyone to do anything, the rulings are worded in such a way as to disallow certain actions/enforcements.
TBItoy said:
In fact, I'm pretty sure that the Supreme Court has never handed down a ruling that forced anyone to do anything, the rulings are worded in such a way as to disallow certain actions/enforcements.

Like buy health insurance?
5BrothersFabrication said:
Like buy health insurance?

That's a tricky subject. (and for the record, I disagree with the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act)


The SC didn't rule on whether or not the policy was good, just whether or not Congress had the power to pass such a law into existence.

Everyone does not have to buy health insurance. If you make less than a certain amount, health insurance is provided for you. If you make more, and don't buy health insurance you pay a penalty to the federal government.

Basically, the big sticking point of the of the ruling was

" Congress may also "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." U. S. Const., Art. I, §8, cl. 1.

I've read the 193 page ruling, and while the judges generally disagreed with the Act in itself, they couldn't find where it was illegal for Congress to pass it.

The SCOTUS did not PASS the Act. They just couldn't rule it as illegal.

Fact is, The Constitution of the US is a very specific document with vague wording on those specifics.
jta said:
I see this as a bigger issue than gay marriage. It's part of the left's agenda to destroy the family unit and religion as a whole. The next step will be polygamy. Then it will be pedophiles. It's not gonna stop with gay marriage.


I agree. I think this is just the beginning. Also, I truly believe that remaining neutral for the sake of not offending people and for the sake of popularity is only going to add to the problem.
kushKrawlin said:
It's a choice man. They fall back on "I was born this way!" Hell wouldn't u?? Good lord what else Ya gonna tell someone is the reason U like goobers? I dam sure wouldn't throw "nah man it's cool to smoke poles, I just decided I like it" out there.. Hahahah id go straight for the "I was born this way and I hate it" approach.
If I was BROCK or another homo. Wouldn't you? Ha.

Just call me Caitlyn
pholmann said:
One thing is for sure, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, but everybody else's stinks.

Yep, and nothing that you or anyone else writes is going to change one either. Arguing about politics, religeon, jeeps vs. toyotas and college football is all just Pissing in the wind
BPINAZ said:
I agree. I think this is just the beginning. Also, I truly believe that remaining neutral for the sake of not offending people and for the sake of popularity is only going to add to the problem.

I agree, I do not argue these points for me. Like I tell my wife, life is not about me it is about what kind of mess I leave for my kids. That is why I have become more political, and religious as I have gotten older. Everyone with kids knows priorities change as soon as you see your own child.
Neal3000 said:
Yep, and nothing that you or anyone else writes is going to change one either. Arguing about politics, religeon, jeeps vs. toyotas and college football is all just Pissing in the wind

That's going to far there buddy, of all the **** that's been said in this thread and you have the balls to throw that out there, you should go crawl up in a cave away from society and be by yourself for a while so you can think things thru a little better. No one and I mean no one could have a legitimate argument about jeeps and Toyotas, everyone know Jeeps rule. booyang