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MOROC starts today!!

bentandtwisted said:
Thanks for putting me in my place. thumb.gif


I just know if your head gets too big for yer hats that your noggin's gonna get burnt in the tanning booth :flipoff1:

Looks like an awesome event cant wait to see the vid clips when I get home
What did you think of the venue? Was that a good spot for a race? Looks good to me. Of course, the snow did not help....
VERY poor turn out. I have been on the phone with the cops, highway dept, fire dept,street dept. for two days now. I guess a lot of people bitched about the mud left on the road ways from the parking lot and from our shop, we have rock driveway, but we had so much snow and rain before the evnt. I guess the highway dept. is thinking about making MOROC pay for the highway clean up, the city came by here yesterday and this morning, I told them to get BENT!!!! :flipgotcha: You how much money was dumped into this town this last weekend. I asked the Fire Dept. to come out and wash the street in front of the shop and I would give them some money, better the money to go to someone that needs it than the city itself, money will go stright to the union for fire dept. kids thumb.gif So a BIG :flipgotcha: to the city and county for all the help they gave us. I talked to MOROC to see if they were still coming back for the finials, they did not know, let you all know when I know anything.
WHAT???? They didnt know if they are coming back??? Thats BS. What are they complaining about? Is it Harissons or BTFs fault the weather was crap? Whaz up with that? SMORR is giving like $100 FOR FIRST AND $50 FOR SECOND AND THIRD. BTF put out twice that. Which was more than MOROC paid to win it!
Good job Mike for trying to get the town on board. If you can show them the economic benefit they will bend over backwards in the future for events in their community. However, its hard to please everyone and Betty Knowitall doesn't like to get mud on her Buick. So you have to win the local government, and have them sell the benefits for you.
So when she's at the hairdresser, she hear's her hairdresser bragging about how much money she made from all those mudbogger guys that needed their heads shaved when they were in town.
We tried to help all the racers out, I know what it is like to not win any money and still make the races, it sucks at times. We knew the pay out would be small so we stepped up and gave the winner of each class $400.00 on top of the pay out so take that times 4 classes and two events. I told them if they didn't come back to Harrison I would not be giving any more money, so I guess we will see what happens.
Damn. Sorry to hear that I was hoping it would go better... How many racers? Was it the +30 expected or was it the garden/dodge city crew?
bentandtwisted said:
33 signed up but only like 17 showed up, I guess some were not ready for the season yet :dunno: :dunno:

Like me...

...but I didn't sign up so I guess I'm not in that number
Finally registered on here.

Harrison was a blast!

The weather was crappy on Saturday, but the courses were fun and those of us that braved the elements had a great time.

Special thanks to Mike and Grant (AKA Goober)- Bent and Twisted 4X4 for opening their doors and for all their help and support for the race teams. Without them, the weekend would have been a bust.

Can't wait to race in Harrison again in October!
bentandtwisted said:
33 signed up but only like 17 showed up, I guess some were not ready for the season yet :dunno: :dunno:
Mabey MOROC needs to look at those numbers before blaming Harrison for poor attendence.