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Morris Mountain Rock Rally PICS and VIDS


When in doubt, the skinny pedal is on the right
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Anniston, AL
Just some of the pics and vids of the race.

First off The Yard Dart
The Yard Dart
Sorry that I pulled away before the end but if you was there in person you would have been more worried about the driver and co-driver than a vid.

And then there was Julio sing the song " I believe I ca fly"
Julio thinkin he can fly
And this is what happen.
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

no words.

somebody is gon get killd.
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

I have more vid I will post up later after the storm passes.
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Julio that was Awesome.

Damn that Cherokee got destroyed. WOW :o
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

wow....that was some crazy **** w/ the cherokee. were the drivers/passengers ok? the passenger side looked damn near flat...crazy m'fers :wtflol:
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

HOLY **** , anyone leave with a rig in tact ?! laughing1
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

P said:
HOLY **** , anyone leave with a rig in tact ?! laughing1

If I remember the numbers correctly 42 started 14 finished. The person that got second in the Basic big tire class, broke, went to Anniston and got parts and ate lunch, returned to get second. I was wondering if there were going to be enough rigs for recovery :****:
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Man, I worked Checkpoint #1 and it had to be the most boring uneventful place in the entire park because I didn't see ANY action and got to listen to the crowd accross the park cheer everytime something cool happened. :) But I didn't go to watch, I was there to work and I feel like I did my part. These vids are the first live action I saw of the event so far! But overall the rally was awesome from what I hear and everyone had a great time. Jimmy did such an amazing job getting the park ready. I had a blast meeting some of the competitors, too. Glad I went.

J. J.
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Also, big thanks to Dr. Nazir Adam, who was quick to jump in and set a co-driver's dislocated shoulder properly before it was injured worse. thumb.gif Nazir runs XRRA and was at the event to run with his son in thier trail buggy, it was good to have him there! :dblthumb:

here is one that nick got... we got one for allie to put w/ her wounded warriors pic... she drove her ass off and i am SO glad that i decided to codrive... she did one lap in 41:06 and the other in 45:17... it was funny when we got back to camp when she asked why everyone had left there rigs in the woods... it was the innocence of it that made it funny... she was probably wondering why everyone laughed... laughing1 laughing1

Great pics asually RickyB . Although I kept havin to give a heads up every time a buggy came by :flipoff1: . She was cute and all but you were suppost to be takin pictures not workin up a ...... flashemifyougotem :eek: . Just kidding, had fun hang with ya'll this weekend. :dblthumb: