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Morris Mountain Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Speeding said:

That is some fawking Air right there my friend. How was the landing? By the looks of the axle it might have hurt a little. And who gave you the mountain dew and candy bar to get you to do that? That needs to be the pic of month right there.
I forget where he broke his axle but the landing sure didn't help matters any :****:
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Speeding said:
Also, big thanks to Dr. Nazir Adam, who was quick to jump in and set a co-driver's dislocated shoulder properly before it was injured worse. thumb.gif Nazir runs XRRA and was at the event to run with his son in thier trail buggy, it was good to have him there! :dblthumb:


Did he have the "Witch Doctor" with him? Badass ride for sure.
So whats the story, to have a succesful creek jump you gotta have a lucky leprachaun run across the trail first ?! :wtflol: :flipoff1:

Badass jumping guys. Damn I wish I woulda been there for that !!!
There will people that will swear that was photoshopped, hell, it don't even look real. Had to be there.
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

CHASMAN9 said:
Did he have the "Witch Doctor" with him? Badass ride for sure.

He did, very cool trail rig. He said it may be up for sale soon, makes me wish I had more than 2 pennies in the bank!
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Speeding said:
He did, very cool trail rig. He said it may be up for sale soon, makes me wish I had more than 2 pennies in the bank!
you would if you would get off your ass and work... :****:
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

draggbody said:
you would if you would get off your ass and work... :****:


Jimmy is on your ass of late boy!

Seriously, the guy with onsite printing at the race is very smart. That is a genius idea. Hint, hint...

Anybody have his website info?
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Speeding said:
He did, very cool trail rig. He said it may be up for sale soon, makes me wish I had more than 2 pennies in the bank!

Yes it is. :dblthumb: He has tried to sell it before, I think it was $85,000 or something like. I know of somone locally that was interested and got out of it. Nice ride. :dblthumb:
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

CHASMAN9 said:
Yes it is. :dblthumb: He has tried to sell it before, I think it was $85,000 or something like. I know of somone locally that was interested and got out of it. Nice ride. :dblthumb:

Can't hide money son, he has like 5 rigs and is building more and buying spots in others.. I have seen 2 of his rigs in person and both are very nice!
SOMEHOW that front axle held up ALL the way over to the Sunday drive section of the course before it BROKE APART.......... :****:

And that landing actually looks WAY WORSE on the video , it was not bad AT ALL.......

BUT ,.......I knew somthin was WRONG when the front end would not STEER or TURN no more :eek: :eek: :eek:

my fist lap time was 34 min. , BUT , that was including stopping to WINCH the green BRONCO from flipping over forward in the course approaching STILL HILL TURN :****:

I think I was HAULIN ASS , he was WAY COOL and let me leave first when we where done though. :dblthumb:

THANKS & HATS OFF GO TOO Jimmy , and EVERYBODY ELSE involved in makin that event happen.......ESPECIALLY MORRISS MOUNTAIN....... :woot: :woot: :woot:

............I HAD A BLAST.............
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

Matt O. said:
Can't hide money son, he has like 5 rigs and is building more and buying spots in others.. I have seen 2 of his rigs in person and both are very nice!

Yah, the funny thing I know of the situation is that he lives in Pennsylvania (?) and has Tanner in Colorado build his rigs. A long way for a build, but why fix something if something is not broken. I have always heard he is a great/ regular guy having fun doing what he likes. Glad to see him out here locally and maybe get up and ride with him someday. :driving: :dblthumb:
He has rigs built by a bunch of shops. He has a comp rig built by Marko Customs and has some more in the works
Re: Rock Rally PICS and VIDS

CHASMAN9 said:
Yah, the funny thing I know of the situation is that he lives in Pennsylvania (?) and has Tanner in Colorado build his rigs. A long way for a build, but why fix something if something is not broken. I have always heard he is a great/ regular guy having fun doing what he likes. Glad to see him out here locally and maybe get up and ride with him someday. :driving: :dblthumb:

He has two in the works by Woodlee right now. When I was talking to him I think he said he was from the Virginia/DC area? He is cool as they come and doesn't act cocky at all despite owning a bunch of badass rigs. I definitely enjoyed meeting him.