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Ms child support?

You need a attorney. The child support office can and will do what they want until a judge writes his name on a court order to stop it. In most states child support does not stop when the child is 18 or out of high school. it will stop when you go to court.
Ohio has a chart that you can connect the lines to see how much you have to pay. Any money given directly to the mom is a gift in the courts eyes and you still have to pay through them. It's the most corrupt system there is. I lost my job in May and have been getting my own shop up and running so I let my support payments slide. Before anyone calls me a deadbeat and tells me how as a man I must take care of my child, I do! I have her 8 days out of every two weeks compared to her moms 6 days, 52 days a year more than her mom. I get her breakfast, dinner help with homework, see that she's bathed and in bed at a decent hour, but I am labeled a deadbeat by the CSEA. I've asked for reviews and have never been given one, yet just last week I was given 6 days to pay $3000 or lose my license. I managed to pay them and asked for another review. **** that system and all the women taking advantage of it! The shitty mom's and the courts are destroying kids lives for profit.
You have her more than the mom and still pay? This world keeps getting more and more retarded.

I've been paying for 12 years now. Comes out of my check each week.

I missed 2 weeks due to a lay off a few years back, and I was getting letters. I can never get a hold of my case worker but that b... can call me if 2 payments don't come in. I hung up on her after I told her my court order said I was to pay monthly.

Last night my baby momma called me becuase she got a $1000 hospital bill the insurance didn't cover and the malena she has on my daughter didn't pick up the bill. Wants me to pay it becuase my insurance "sucks"

I'm guessing if my insurance and her melena both refused payment it was a doctor visit my kid didn't need.

Oh and she "doesn't remember" what the bill was for. A broken leg, ok I'll help, a cold that she wouldn't have if her mom made here wear real shows in December, no I won't help

JohnG said:
What sucks is when the woman short stops it. It's not alimony, it's child support. IMO, not a penny should be spent on anything other than the child, unfortunately, that is not the case.

Example my ex-wife #1. I know for a fact he does not receive and or use $510.00 a month. It goes towards whatever the hell she feels like spending it on. I see him every other weekend and talk to him daily. He is now 15, been paying for 13years. She recently asked if I was going to help buy him a new car. I said no way in hell. I told her I would give him my 2003 Buick scott free all she needed to do was pay for the insurance. Bitch said that is not a new car. Well her and her family went and bought him a brand new Hyundai veloster. She has a new car a new house that she just added a second story to. House cleaner and well Fawk her. Stepping off soap box. :indianajones:

Sounds like they should just start calling it "wife support".

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The hope I never go through this. I have actually told my wife with 100% certainty. I want my great grandfathers car, my trailer, crawler, truck and RV. She can have everything, house, money, business included. I will not fight her in front of my kids or will they see me in court. She isn't money grubbing and wouldn't go that far, but if it happened and she did. I'd still give it all to her. Not for her, but for my little ones. I pray to God it never happens, but if it does, come visit me in my box. I hate to hear it didn't work out. It is the most expensive thing you will ever do (get married). If you stay married, it is expensive, if you get divorced, it can be just as costly if not more.

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lowbudgetjunk said:
It is the most expensive thing you will ever do (get married). If you stay married, it is expensive, if you get divorced, it can be just as costly if not more.

Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk

Get this soon to be ex-wife #2 wants to fight me in court because she thinks we took more value than we left her?????????? How in the world did she come up with that? All we too was a bunch of junky ass nuts and bolts one decent lawn mower and left her with everything. Bwahahahhahaaaa :****: Oh yeah get ready to be in the court room next to me, Kenny, Glen, Charles, and John G :****:
Well. Fellas. My lovely ex finally let my daughter drive over to the house. I mean ya know, the dumass did just relocate to kennesaw , which is an hour from me. Fukin horse ****.. But oh well... Anyways, it's a great feeling to know that all them Fukin checks, and those thousands of dollars , and Finally I see something other than "gettin nails done" or all the new fancy clothes she wears...
Here's proof I paid what I owed. Every single fawkin penny. On time. Never late. 2 more years and I get to send the package with **** I been wanting to send for so long to her. ... And yep, she's got the nicest car at this house now. (Not at her moms, nope, brand new Mercedes). But I will say, if anyone does, my daughter definitely deserves a nice car .:. This daughter is the absolute perfect child. Never one bit of trouble, perfect grades, and makes the best decisions of any teenagers I've ever seen in my life... Now my two-year-old , oh god help us! I figure she will be runnin the prision system by the age of 15 or so. Fawk me!!

Here's my child support money at work. Best part... Mommy gets all the credit.. Daddy gets tha shaft as usual.. Haha


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It might be evil but I find comfort in the fact that the Ex is going to be used to money coming in and won't do a damn thing to better herself. So in 10 years when I can legally stop paying shes' going to be older,fatter, uglier, and unable to take care of herself or find anyone that will. >:D >:D >:D :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha:
Definitely get a attorney. Took me 3 yrs to learn child support office will do what they want and set it at whatever the hell they want.