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MSORP in October! Who's in?

ima try to get the mini zuke up ther and ride with u guys. really enjoyed riding there labor day weekend sure to be a fun weekend
Still need a damn low geared t case...doubler set up through Marlin = $1600.....Marlin Lefty direct replacement t case for my taco with 5:1 ratio = over $2k

....damn what I'd give if Taco's came stock with gear driven t cases so I could buy a reduction kit. I'm starting back to college in the spring and ain't got 4 digit monies amounts to be throwing away on a crawlbox dammit... :****:
MSORP prolly gonna be one slick sumbitch this weekend! Still gonna be fun tho! Should have my beadlocks on within the next couple days. I'm ready to try em out! Got em welded up and ground down...looks good. Dropped em off at the tire store today to get the tires on them (we fought for 4 hours the other night trying to get 1 on) gonna start torqing all the bolts down Thursday night when I get off work early. They gonna look good! :woot:
are they calling for rain out there this weekend, if so it will deff be slick as heck should make it fun exspecially for u with the new beadlocks. did u weld those with a mig welder or do they require a tig
Friend of mine welded with a Mig and I ground them down. The welds look like they are gonna be air tight, but we will see once I get the tires mounted and bolted down. lol I haven't looked at the weather for the weekend, but even if it doesn't rain anymore, all this rain will still make some of the places slick.
Professional grinding job by yours truly.... :****:

Can't wait to see what they look like when they are done!

thats awesome bout the wheather cant wait to come up and ride. and thats good to know u can do it with a mig maybe ill try to get some and i need them badly. those look good surly they will work fine we will see this weekend
See my beadlock thread in tech & fab...they don't work. BUT....it's because of my wheel being a reverse center wheel. If it were an average steely, then it would be fine...the beadlock part on my rims would work out perfectly...provided I could get the effin tire on the wheel like it needs to be. So guess, I'll have to wheel without them. ::)
Few odd and end pics/vids from MSORP this past weekend.

1st couple attempts at Escalator looked like this....

Then I found the sweet spot :driving:

Here's Scott making Full Throttle look like a peice of cake ::) molaugh

More of Scott


Me on a lower ledge clim

Me on an upper ledge climb

Random pics

DAMN I was wonderin if yall fawkers rode or not ???

GLAD to see Chad done finnished up his zuk :dblthumb:
