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MSORP - Rock Race $1000. payout (side by side start) DATE CHANGED TO MAY 7!!!!

i had a good time watching the race i hope u going to have anothor one Soctt, if so maybe i have a ride by then
We had a hell of a good time! :woot:

Learned a lot about the buggy on this ride. Got some good seat time...gettin a feel for it now. :driving:

Thanks Mahan, Bubba, and Joel for all the help. Ya'll helped me a TON! :dblthumb:
Had a blast riding and filming y'all! Can't wait to get Randall's buggy in so we can ride again. Although riding in the DONKEY (Mull) was fun as hell :****: !
454tbacon said:
Are we hill climbing or rock racing?

HAH..............looks like you showed up and did BOTH Mr. Big Tim Bacon :dblthumb:.....CONGRATS on the win man :dblthumb:





And you donateing a big chunk of youre winnings to the tornado relief fund makes you a WINNING WINNER Mr. Big Tim Bacon :dblthumb:
i want to start by saying thanks to everyone that showed up ,racers and spectators i wish the racers would have had a few more racers to race but the good side to it was we all got to go and do some riding after, thanks to everyone that brought donations it will be a big help to some people in need,thanks to the blackcreek fire dept for there lunch and all there support there awsome people. i'll have the race times posted soon.
scottlang said:
i want to start by saying thanks to everyone that showed up ,racers and spectators i wish the racers would have had a few more racers to race but the good side to it was we all got to go and do some riding after, thanks to everyone that brought donations it will be a big help to some people in need,thanks to the blackcreek fire dept for there lunch and all there support there awsome people. i'll have the race times posted soon.
What about the next race I really liked that course can't wait till the next one
Hey Scott, Did anyone claim the winch remote that was found in Bears Den? :dunno:
I say they start at the very bottom near the mud pit and go all the way to the top of REV LIMITER. NO TURNS..... :****:

Just rent about 6 of those big generator powered light sets...... :dblthumb:

This way their are no excuses for not bringing it....... :fish:
im in on a night race up revlimiter and wet it to make a little more interesting, i can get the lights and maybe even a band for after party, but we need ALL the big dogs involved .
:****: :woot: :driving:
scottlang said:
im in on a night race up revlimiter and wet it to make a little more interesting, i can get the lights and maybe even a band for after party, but we need ALL the big dogs involved .
:****: :woot: :driving:
I will be there for sure got propane on the way so I will be able to gas on her this time for sure just let me know when.
scottlang said:
im in on a night race up revlimiter and wet it to make a little more interesting, i can get the lights and maybe even a band for after party, but we need ALL the big dogs involved .
:****: :woot: :driving:
im not one of the big dogs your talking about but im fixing to be going again and am all 4 a night race.
scottlang said:
im in on a night race up revlimiter and wet it to make a little more interesting, i can get the lights and maybe even a band for after party, but we need ALL the big dogs involved .
:****: :woot: :driving:
What are you saying Scott,I'm not a big dog,just kidding, I'll be there...
A Saturday Night? Maybe after Memorial Day.

Werock does these night events and it draws huge crowds.

Have them start all the way at the bottom of the hill near the mud holes!

Maybe :tc will have his junk done by then! :fish:
Re: MSORP - Rock Race $1000. payout (side by side start) DATE CHANGED TO MAY 7!

I had a GREAT time riding this past weekend. This park was an awesome place for a test run on the new rig. I broke both my front air bumps off, lost a steering heim bolt along with the rockwell steer arm spacer, and had a front driveshaft eating into a link bar all by Friday night! Gotta expect some glitches right outta the shop. It was cool meeting everyone and we made several new friends :drinkers: Big thanks to Scott Lang for showing us that Alabama hospitality! We'll bring a few extra jars of that Kentucky shine next time for shure! Zukiscott your welcome round my campfire anytime. Your almost guaranteed to find something BBQ'd laying around there for a midnight snack. :eat: Kudos to all the racers for puttin on a good show! We will definately make it back down here again.
HELL YEA man yalls leftover chicken & sausages was DAMN GOOD , better than waffle house at LATE :****:

Check out this pic of the fire with a little dagger floatin in it ......... :dunno:............




Re: MSORP - Rock Race $1000. payout (side by side start) DATE CHANGED TO MAY 7!

That's wild man! Those road flares definately look cool when you toss a dozen or so in a campfire