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msorp will be having our toys4tots benifit ride the 1st weekend of dec.

tb460 said:
Man, I'm not sure where that fuel cell went...that guy that brought it over to our camp sat it on the trailer behind my buddy's motor home and said it was Julio.

julio just called me and said chad has it sorry about the confusion.had a blast hanging with ya'll sat night.good times. :****:

No doubt bro! I don't care much about doing anything if there ain't a good time involved lol That chicken ya'll brought was THA ****! and them steaks turned out damn good too! That was a fun night, but I wish we could've rode a little longer...I was just gettin to feel good and ready to ride lol. :drinkers:
TacomaJD said:
No doubt bro! I don't care much about doing anything if there ain't a good time involved lol That chicken ya'll brought was THA ****! and them steaks turned out damn good too! That was a fun night, but I wish we could've rode a little longer...I was just gettin to feel good and ready to ride lol. :drinkers:
them steaks were great and if we would have rode any longer julio and keith stone [chad] would have destroyed there junk and we would be pulling buck shot out of our ass from the neighbers around there.
tb460 said:
them steaks were great and if we would have rode any longer julio and keith stone [chad] would have destroyed there junk and we would be pulling buck shot out of our ass from the neighbers around there.

LMAO!!! You gotta watch ol keith stone....I thought his sammi was gonna roll off that ledge with him standing on a rock slider lol Yea I'd hate to be a neighbor to a place like that. That's what I like about Mountainside! Most the neighbors down there are just too busy cookin meth to worry bout the noise you're making. :****:
zukimaster said:
I got the fuel cell with me, goin to bring it mtn side saturday
TacomaJD said:
LMAO!!! You gotta watch ol keith stone....I thought his sammi was gonna roll off that ledge with him standing on a rock slider lol Yea I'd hate to be a neighbor to a place like that. That's what I like about Mountainside! Most the neighbors down there are just too busy cookin meth to worry bout the noise you're making. :****:
thank god some body can account for the fuel cell was starting to think it got lost.i thought ol' keith stone was gone and he is not as smooth as he thought he was ha ha.next time we need to see more flashemifyougotem
TacomaJD said:
I love a good pair of flashemifyougotem

What time is the chilli gonna be served? Or will it kinda be served all evening?
chili will be ready around 11:00 or so and will be served till it is all gone.
its gonna be fun this weekend creeks are flowing and the mudholes are fullll
scottlang said:
chili will be ready around 11:00 or so and will be served till it is all gone.
its gonna be fun this weekend creeks are flowing and the mudholes are fullll

Hells yea! Yaw can keep that mud, but I'll take a free undercarriage wash from a good flowing creek! :****:
Im goin to have to let keith stone ride shotgun with JD awhile and watch him put that taco thru sum hell!
Don't look like I'm gonna have anybody ridin with me Saturday so there should be plenty room for ol Keith :drinkers:
I found out today that due to the loss time this week from all the rains, I need to work my crews the weekend to catch our schedule backup on a DOT project, or I could be facing liquidated damages charges by the end of next week due to contract dead lines. As of now, it looks like I am not going to make this weekend with y'all, but hopefully I will be there for the Jan 12 race.[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][/size][/size][/size][/size]
Damn Bob, what some luck...see ya January! :drinkers:

zukimaster said:
Get some ole whore! Dam! has monte rode his 1 time for the year?

I've hit up a couple, but no luck this week on whores... Kinda wanna ride by myself this go round cuz I wanna try to stay late and do some nightriding with everyone, without somebody whining bout wantin to go home early lol.

Monte said he'd like to go but wasn't for sure if he'd be able to make it...I told him since I plan on staying late, to bring his ass on down when he gets caught up with **** and he said he prolly would...so maybe we'll see an ol red yota easin' in after dinner time ;D
rock yuppie said:
I found out today that due to the loss time this week from all the rains, I need to work my crews the weekend to catch our schedule backup on a DOT project, or I could be facing liquidated damages charges by the end of next week due to contract dead lines. As of now, it looks like I am not going to make this weekend with y'all, but hopefully I will be there for the Jan 12 race.[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][/size][/size][/size][/size]
well that sucks but i understand work 1st for sure we still gonna try and cut a trail out the creek bed though dont no if we will climb it but we sho gonna try.
scottlang said:
well that sucks but i understand work 1st for sure we still gonna try and cut a trail out the creek bed though dont no if we will climb it but we sho gonna try.

I'm in for the long haul tomorrow buddy! I plan on staying til late.

See ya'll beeches in da morning! :drinkers: :driving: :woot:
WOOOHOOOO! Had a great time with all ya'll yesterday! Great ride, good chilli, and good times! That creekbed trail was fun! I'm ready to see those pics that Julio the token photographer got! Julio had bad luck with the sammi all day long, busted hub, then radiator hose...bummer. Chad really had some more **** luck lol damn the sticky tires are gonna claim everything on that zuk before it's over with. :****:
julio got a headgasket late sat night , and i got nods rockin in the red jeep it was slick as **** this weekend i witness the worst beatdown of a tacoma sat nite that i have ever seen it was nuts but all in all lots of toys was collected and donated to black creek fd was a good weekend. thanks to everyone who there, god will bless you.
Damn right! I got some vids of that yota takin a thrashing, I'm gonna try uploading them to youtube later so I can share them on here. Got a couple pics of you on hang time flopping over too. And yea buddy it was slick! Couldn't even get my front end up on Flash Over.

Damn, can't believe Julio blew a head gasket....just a bad day for sammi's all around. Guess I can consider myself lucky going home with only a few extra dents.