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Mud bog and tuff truck june 26-27, ethel wa


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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Mud Bog and Tuff Truck June 26-27, August 21,22 Ethel wa

Time for some fun in the sun. Tuff truck will be on Sat and Mud Bog on Sunday. You CAN GET MORE INFO at www.mudslingers4x4.com or by calling steve russell at 253 537 3755.
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Tuff Trucks will be on the Saturday the 26th of June.
Registration 7:30 Am - 9:45 Am.
Drivers meeting at 10 AM.
Race starts at 10:30 AM.
Spectator gates open at 9 AM.

Tuff Truck Classes: 4/6 cylinder, 8 cylinder, Unlimited, and Kids Class.

Tuff Truck will have cash prize and trophy for 1st place only per class.
The Tuff Truck course is a cross country speed type course with optional hard core obstacles. You may skip obstacles but it will add penalty time. Fastest time wins.

Mud Bog will be held Sunday the 27th of June.
Registration 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Divers meeting 9:15 AM
Bog starts 9:30 AM
Spectator gates open 8:00 AM

Mud Bog Classes are by tire size:
Tire size 35"and under 4-6 cylinder; Tire Size 35" and under 8 Cylinder; 36" - 39". 40" and up, Unlimited Class (any one that has extreme power or tire modifications), Powder Puff Class (ladies only), Kids ages 8 and under, Kids ages 9-11, Kids ages 12-15

Mud Bog trophies will be for 1st, 2nd, 3rd per class.
Winners are determined by either the fasted time or the greatest distance. 1 pit is for 35" and under tires and the other is for unlimited tires.

Event registration is $ 45.00 includes tech fee.
Additional drivers on the same vehicle is $ 20.00
Kids 8 and under are $ 5.00
kids 9-15 are $ 10.00
1/2 - 2nd event if doing 2 in the weekend.

Camping is available -but with no services/hook ups. Honey Buckets will be provided. $ 20.00 per family of 4.
If you are going to camp you must pre-register with Steve Russell 253-537-3755.

Spectator admission $ 10.00 per day/per person.
Kids under 12 are free

My son, Tyler, will be in charge of kids games. A pull toy, water balloons, scavenger hunt, and more to come after he gives it more thought.

Everyone asks how deep it is let me just say that after having more than 30 mud events that I do have a technique, BUT its a secret. My definition of a mud bog is: Your tires must float in thick mud. This is not a mud drag it is a mud bog. Pits are 25ft wide and 200ft in length.

GiGi's catering will be a food vendor both days.
We are looking for an ice cream vendor as our regular man is ill and will not be able to attend.
You are permitted to bring a cooler with your own food and drink.

Dog Pound Off Road will be assisting in putting on the event.
W.o.W. will be providing the tech services.
More information available at Mudslingers4X4.com or contacting Steve Russell 253-537-3755.

If you wish to volunteer to help at the event we will allow you to run your vehicle and camp for free contact Steve Russell 253-537-3755 for more information.

GOTO www.Mudslingers4X4.com for more rules for the event.

Linda Brothers with Windermere
www.dtrinc.net Dirks Truck Repair

Up Coming Event: August 21st - Tuff Trucks, August 22nd Mud Bogs. All of the same information applys
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Hey Steve,

Missed you at the Ethel work party this last weekend.

Your mud bogs were full to the brim with water, and then some. The whole property was pretty soggy. The culverts between the ponds got blocked by beavers so the ponds spilled over.

Darn near had to put snorkels on the mowers.
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I was told the work party was rescheduled because of how wet it was out there.
Hey Steve,

Missed you at the Ethel work party this last weekend.

Your mud bogs were full to the brim with water, and then some. The whole property was pretty soggy. The culverts between the ponds got blocked by beavers so the ponds spilled over.

Darn near had to put snorkels on the mowers.

I heard the same thing. Corey and I took 4 toilets down to the Olsons on Thurs night and we sent another one with dirk just to make sure there would be one for the work party.
It will be ok, It dries up down there pretty fast. You would be amazed. I do want to get together with you all and try to work toward the same goals, Most of the peole who would be willing to help out went to the core challange that same weekend. Can't blame them for not wanting to miss out on such a great event.
We are heading down to pump out the bogs this week so hopefully we willl get some sunshine to help dry them out so we can work on the pits. We have had alot of the events early in june . good thing we chose later this year.
Work party wasn't cancelled, not sure how that rumor got started?

There is a PNW4WDA race there this weekend (June 5th and 6th). Someone is heading down on Thursday to pump water off of the track. The whole place could use a good dose of sunshine.
if you plan on camping you must make a reservation, Talk to steve or Barb at 253 537 3755
Are 44'' boggers with the small lugs cut out. conciterd a tire modifcation. Cuz i wanta run with the little tires :haha::haha::hi:
you will be putt in the unlimited class with your tires being hot knifed or ag tires/paddles.you will also be in the 40" or bigger class
No matter the size of the tire if its cut or ag tires its unlimited class every year iv'e been there the was somone always bitchn and complaining.
Im not likly to give in, I might make a speacle class for Jaws. The rules state if you have cut tires you will be placed in the unlimited class. We havent had that many complaints over the years and we do want to try to keep it as fair as possible. If you dont want to be in the unlimited class then dont bring cut tires. Jaws would run in the same pit regardless.
For the very first time ever, I had to pump off the pitts. Loaded up the wife and son and went down to the boggs. When we got there the water level was 6 inches from the top. It took 8 hours for the 4 inch pump to empty the pits. We caught a Fat Catfish by hand and relocated him in the ponds. It was the biggest catfish i have ever seen in WA. We also relocated about 50 craw dads and serverl guppies. Now all we need is Sun shine an lots of it.
Im not likly to give in, I might make a speacle class for Jaws. The rules state if you have cut tires you will be placed in the unlimited class. We havent had that many complaints over the years and we do want to try to keep it as fair as possible. If you dont want to be in the unlimited class then dont bring cut tires. Jaws would run in the same pit regardless.

I dont wanta get stuck. IM SCARED.:redneck:

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