Jon sounds like you are going in a good direction. Just dont stop wheelin it till you have all the parts assembled for your transformation. I agree a 60 front is a good idea. One bit of advice though is go wider than 61 at least in the front. My 60s are 62in wms to wms and the front tires hit the springs with even 38s. I have to run a 2.75in b/s wheel to keep it turnable. The 40s still rub at that. I would go 65 at least up front. A stock ford drivers drop front d60 is what I would find. Luckily they are the cheaper of the 60s. I wouldnt narrow it or try to keep it street legal if you are going big axles. Remember the yj has a wider frame than a cj7 so you have to stay wide. If you are going that big an axle then you will eventually go bigger tires. 42s are the old 39.5s. I built mine to run 38s too, and ended up with 39.5tsls cause I could. That and links are for buggys, leave the leafs on it, they work great. THis is just my opinion, giving you the info to mull over. Honestly it will be a little more capable with all this stuff, but not as much more as you would think. I would stay 36s, build a waggy 44 with chromo shafts, joints and rock the 36s till they are bald. THen keep it 4.56. any bigger tire than that minimum of 5.13s. i would go 5.38s or deeper if I were to do it again. If I were to build mine all over right now, I would do a 44 front, the 60 rear you have, 5.13s, detroit rear arb front, 4 to 1s in the case, keep the 6cyl and 5sp. keep it on 36s and enjoy it. It is already very capable. Just keep that in mind.