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My comp rig REVAMP


-Oh no I picked a side-
Mar 26, 2001
Da gold bar
So my rig is making the transformation from a basher to a comp rig..

Here was the chassis that was in my rig running a pede tranny.


And here is the new one I just built----its totaly redefined now--lighter and smaller. I was pretty happy with how it came out..


And here you can see them side by side. Funy how your intentions change on the use of the rig.... Hopefully I will have alot better setup now....


And here you can see the trany thats going in it---R2 with rear disconnect.

Time to setup the links..
I decided to go with close to a 60/40 split on the axle location from centerline of the chassis. Will it help---I duno but I am going to give it a shot. I am also shooting for 12.25" WB


And I got the links done. In the past I had used 1/4" soling rod and drilled/tapped it. Wel this time I am going with some tubing and boy--- It sure made things alot easier. The links are smaller diameter and lighter now too...

Well I got the shock mounts done. As I did on my last revamp-- I sent them up to about 1/4" of full extension--this greatly helps with the torque twist problems.. Also I put some "speed holes" in them,lol.... But I also have some adjustment if I want to raise the hight of the rig.


The belly of the rig is A TON beter than the last rig. Its a nice transition from diff to diff now.. Hopefully this will help a bunch..


I also got the servo mounted for the R2 tranny. When I origionally mounted it--I somehow got my measurement off to the upper link clearance. I was able to change the mount a but to raise it about 1/4" and now there is plenty of room. But as you can see--its down in the gut of the rig up front..



On the old chassis I had the battery pack in the chassis.



And here is my new battery configuration


Here is how I secured the battery pack.. I was going to just get some strips of velcro but I found this with velcro laying around the house--and cut it up,lol....

Its screwed to the front diff using the top link mount holes and I don't use anymore


So I finally got another batch of parts. At the last comp I heard a funny rachet noise. And then while testing--the rear end gave up.. So I ripped the rear end apart and found the side gears a lil messed up along with--all the epoxy turned to a greasy substance...


So I just cleaned the mess for now and re-epoxied it..
But I was expecting to find teeth missing off the ring gear. But rather I just found them folded over---pot metal,lol...


So this time I shimmed the pinion gear so it should last longer than a year--if not then its time for hardoned gears..
I also went and upgraded the rear shafts to these...


I am waiting for my rear lockouts so once I get those I will toss the wear knuckles/ears...
Since I ran the rear diff farther back than the front--the rear driveshaft had to be extended. Pretty easy really. Just used a portion of female shaft to mate the male portions.


I also finally tossed the stock tlt body mounts and went with some HPI side mounts. MUCH better

And here is how it sits. I ran out on my lil test pile of rocks and the thing is yet again better...



So I am waiting for a couple more parts and then its ready for the comp....

And some testing time on the new tires...
Looking good Crash. I'm seriously considering getting one of those R2s. I need to set up a dig and from what I hear the R2 disconnect is the hot ticket right now. But first I need to pick up a decent controller so the R2 will probably have to wait till next month.

What knuckles, and c's are you running up front? And are those stock shafts or did you get those CVDs?

Looking good Crash. I'm seriously considering getting one of those R2s. I need to set up a dig and from what I hear the R2 disconnect is the hot ticket right now. But first I need to pick up a decent controller so the R2 will probably have to wait till next month.

What knuckles, and c's are you running up front? And are those stock shafts or did you get those CVDs?


Inners are unimoggers stuff and I forget where i got the outers :eeek:

I am running stockers up front for now....
is that a sub c battery pack? have you tried the 2/3a packs? much smaller and decent run times for a comp rig.

i'm debating building a comp rig. full droop, r2 w/disconnect probably a tuber, etc..
is that a sub c battery pack? have you tried the 2/3a packs? much smaller and decent run times for a comp rig.

i'm debating building a comp rig. full droop, r2 w/disconnect probably a tuber, etc..

I haven't gotten to the battery upgrades yet.. Just taking it slow--but now have a good chassis so the rest will slowly fall into place...

Plus--I am doing 2 rigs at the same time so its def. slow :awesomework:
Build looks good.

I think you'll find the body mounts will hang up at times in comps. If you leave them think about cutting them as short as possible. I would also think about protecting that speed control a little better, and last make it a little narrower. JMO, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Build looks good, should be a big improvement over your last rig, see you at the comp.
Build looks good.

I think you'll find the body mounts will hang up at times in comps. If you leave them think about cutting them as short as possible. I would also think about protecting that speed control a little better, and last make it a little narrower. JMO, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Build looks good, should be a big improvement over your last rig, see you at the comp.

Mounts have ben cut back and the ESC--that one is just temp--I have other goodies coming :awesomework:
Did a little body work.. found out right away the sides of the body----no like the rocks,lol...

I am going to hopefully get the body stripped and painted by the next comp...


