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My Junk

sweet sounds like this rig of yours is going to be done right quick better hurry up and get your ass up here to put some trail milage on that rig of yours.

anyways sounds good bill ill be waiting.:awesomework::corn:
High pionion in the rear----no way its only an 8" ring gear :D

LMAO.... the HP would go up front and what you already installed up front would go in the rear ya bozo!!! :fawkdancesmiley:

Anyways, if not.... Odie can you hook us up with the gears, install kit and solid spacer? Lemme know.

Thanks, Bill
Hey Bill,

Yeah I just was talking with Tom the other day about their trip to naches. I had not ready your e-mail reply at the time so I didn't get any specifics but it sounds like they are planning on staying at some resort about 5 miles up the road from the Milk-kanter road. Pool and showers and such. Some buddy of Stew was bringing an RV. I will ask Tom tomorrow. I tried showing him the pics of your rig on here but the server went down. That thing is looking sweeet!!!
Got the 4.88's installed and the cherokee really screams now. Can't wait to get the D30 set up and see what she does in 4lo. Then out comes the saws all for a fender trim. Ramped her and the damn tire buckled the front fender it tucked so bad. I need bump stops. later ...
That's Squaw Rock Resort...nice folks, But look into the Elk Ridge Lodge as well...:awesomework: Less expensive, and nice folks as well!!!:cool:
Any progress? Did you hook up with James and the rear disc kit? Still think it will be ready for 3rd weekend in July? I will be in town and would really like to take it to Naches.... :;
Ok so I got a little behind due to an overwhelming amount of wheeling,lol..

In any case we got a bunch of used brake stuff. For starters we got a V6 master and adjustable perportioning valve. So I ripped the one off the rig and threw it on and modified the lines. The front line was easy, just rebent it to fit. The rear I had to cut and flair the line and made a new one to the adjustable perportioning valve.

I also cleaned up the caliper brackets/calipers and figured out how I wanted the caliper to sit. So I tossed the axles in and bolted stuff down and found the happy place for the calipers.


There were braided lines with the calipers but james had modified the one--plus I have my own ways of how I like to do brake stuff so I tossed them. So I had to go into town and grabbed a couple brake hoses (ones I comonly like to use) which are off an 87' astro van, 2wd--fronts. They are perfect as they are short, and for a 3/8" banjo bolt with 3 degree tilt.


I also got the new brake lines bent up and installed.

I got the new vent hose and roughed in the ARB hose (had a spare to use). But you can see how I like to run the line. Its been my belief that if you run the line with something else it will aid in protecting it. I prefer to run it with a brake hose like I have done here. With this setup I have yet to have a failure on the number of rigs I have done.


Something else I have done for a long time--never run your line tight from the diff to the control valve assembly. if you ever have a break or anything of that nature--you won't have anything to make an easy repair. So what I have done is leave some loops up under the rig near the diff. It will pay off..

Now for an interesting part. I dug thru my stash of of EFI stuff and was able to find enough things to pre-wire the motor while I wait for the needed parts. So I pulled off the upper intake and threw in the fuel rail when I found something interesting.

Here is between the lower and upper plenum--thats as far as I can get it on with the fuel rail in place.


And here is whats causing it. The coolant fitting for the throttle body is making contact with the fuel rail. At this point I was puzzled and made the assumption there must be something different between the plenums also.


With the correct plenum its a perfect fit.


So I looked them over and I could see why this is happening. The eraly plenum dives down before the throttle body where the second gen does not..



So this tells me--we are simply going to have to run the second gen intake and plenum.
Lookin' good mike!!! Like the idea of leavin' extra line tied up & away...:awesomework:
Lookin' good mike!!! Like the idea of leavin' extra line tied up & away...:awesomework:

Back in 94' when I did my first ARB--I did all my lines tight. Then a couple years later I somehow ripped a line off at the diff. I had parts to fix it--but not enough line to fix it.. Thats when I came up with doing it that way. Granted I have only had to fix my line one other time at walker but that was a ooops on my part (hydro ram grabbed it and ripped it off) :haha:
Why wouldnt you just get the right fuel rail and other parts to make the polished stuff work? Im sure someone put some effort into that shine for something.:eeek:

Different ecm. different wiring systems---ummm, nope....

And its not polished.....
I'm a fan of the later model straight plenum but if it was mine I'd just toss the preheater in the trash and put a plate over the underside of the throttle body.... That's some bling shiat, better than my dirty fluorescent pink... :booo:
Bah, oh well....looked good for a while. :;

Good thing I brought that other intake setup over eh? Shouldnt be too difficult to sell off that chrome intake.... $100 obo :awesomework:
Ok with the parts I had laying around, I was able to get the engine 100% wired up. I will try to get the other intake stuff cleaned up and thrown into the parts washer today so that will be ready to throw on.



Thanks for odie I was able to get an igniter. Got it mounted up (due to PS res I had to turn it from the stock mount) and plug wired in. I also had to wire an early style plug onto the ignitier.


Also got the new plugs/ plug wires thrown on. So besides swapping the lower intake the motor is as done as I can get it..

Quite frankly, the chrome intake dont mean chit to me. I bought it on my way home from the 4x4 swapmeet just for the cool factor. Honestly, Im hoping that I will never have to open the hood once I get it back so that being said, I would never see the intake anyways! :;

I deleted my posts to keep your build thread clean. you two can do the same if you like with all the quoted posts. I will never offfer tech advice untill I am worthy of it, I am so so so sorry.:rolleyes:

Now how much for the intake.:corn:
hey crash frankie here its my bday today so ill be bringing the parts i got to you tomarrow if you will be around.

these are what i got not sure what else you still need

throttle cable

water pump pully

if you need anything else ill see what i got its been pretty hard to come buy parts latley.
Happy Birthday Frankie!!! Hope you have a great day....Now hurry up and get them parts over to Crash!!! :;
hey crash frankie here its my bday today so ill be bringing the parts i got to you tomarrow if you will be around.

these are what i got not sure what else you still need

throttle cable

water pump pully

if you need anything else ill see what i got its been pretty hard to come buy parts latley.

O2 sensor, knock sensor, injectors and driveshafts :awesomework:

I will be out having the kids follow me around in the quads but I will be home in the evening...