Well the she was just begging for something heavy to tow, so we went and found her a new friend. So if everything goes right, we will be finalizing everything and picking it up on Monday.
It's a 32' Fleetwood Pride. We were not looking for something quite this large. Originally we were thinking of something in the 28' range, but this one pretty much everything I was looking for: a slide out in the bedroom, a full size shower, and a rear lounge area.
It is laid out to where you can easily walk through and use all of the kitchen with the main slide in, the only thing that isn't accessible with the side it is the TV, but that is no big deal.
It has TONS of storage, which will be very nice. The main frame rails are steel, the rest of it is all aluminum frame. It has a 1-piece rubber roof which is also something I was looking for.