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My Toy, My Toy, My Toy!!!!!

Ok, have gotten a few things done in the last couple days, realized I fukked some stuff up, and made some more mistakes.:haha:

I went to start assembling my wheels and tires.Started by dealing with the runflats..

Man , what a pain in the ass.:wtf:
I moved on from that to realize that I did not line up my valve stem holes when I welded my rock rings on:mad:,I had it in my mind I needed some 90 degree valve stem extensions, and guess what, I do!:mad:

So with a wheel kinda put together they look like this.I thought I was gonna like the white.But it is to bright for me.So, I'll repainting the center section,but

Gotta wait to finish those out..DOH!

Here is the test fit of all the components.

Sans the hydro setup..I have to acquire the proper Subie setup.Thought i had it but it is a later generation.

So I moved onto working on a twinstick setup for my t-case.
I took some solid rod for the shifters and ground'em down for the nubbins that actuate the rails, then filed and sanded until I had the shapes/flat planes I wanted

Then gave'em a polish with some 1000 grit sandpaper, and finally the dremel with some rouge.This should make'em work smoothly.

I know I know,I am an awesome photograhper..:fawkdancesmiley:

The whole setup.

Pounded out a slimline highspeed gasket for underneath:redneck:
Then test fit her once again

I still need some plastic bushings to tighten up the cross pin(yeps need a crosspin instead of bolt due to lowriding nature), some type of goop to help it seal when I flop, and I gotta figure out some lightweight handles once I know how it is gonna move in the truck.

Other than that, I got my Hysteer, front bumpstops (thanks Wentz!!)
Sold my badass Subie transmission , and should be getting paid for that soon.Which means I can get my ARP knuckle and hub studs.Also need to get to Longfields shop and buy some hub gears/give my condolences.THEN I can really put the damn front axle together.

Also need to turn that shift rail around in the T-case, Seal, mount the TRans/t-case up and then it is on to making motor mounts, and eventually wiring.

I am going to tie in the front bumperr to the interior cage, but I need to see what type clearance the shock towers are going to give me.I may need to make some Tube shock towers .But I dunno yet.

Welp, thats about it for now I guess.
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Got some nice fancy front fenders to cut up. :)p


This , gentlemen , is going to turn out awesome. :haha:

I need to trim the bar down, and then actually see if they will work in the truck :beer:

I got my valve stems today.
They came as straight pieces, then bent by me..


the rough opening..

The one that held pressure :haha:

Got the other two ready

Then felt like I should ty to mount another..
That also was flat.
It seems that the O-rings I got a re just barely slightly ****ing to large...I tried to freeze them, to shrink them.No go.****ing lames.

So far I only have one that holds air.:haha::fawkdancesmiley:

But whatever.I also got the pleasure to be one of the first to mount a Subaru Hydro clutch slave cylinder, with line , to the Toyota master cylinder.


Here she is, setting on her own two, air holdin feet in the back :)


I took the two wheels that were leaking apart and fixed them, then mounted the other one.
All hold air up to 40 pounds!!If they hold that, they are bound to hold another 10# or so IF I needed them to.
I am gonna order up some more goodies today.

Your gonna hate those tires. But not till ya get a set of bias and relaize how bad the radials really suck.

Those tires cancel out any good that having the beadlocks accomplished. They seem to be in nice shape and would sell quickly for enough to buy a nice set of bias tires. Im not making it up or over reacting, they are a horrible tire. Anyone that says otherwise has never had any other tires.

Thats just me tho.

Looks good otherwise!
Your gonna hate those tires. But not till ya get a set of bias and relaize how bad the radials really suck.

Those tires cancel out any good that having the beadlocks accomplished. They seem to be in nice shape and would sell quickly for enough to buy a nice set of bias tires. Im not making it up or over reacting, they are a horrible tire. Anyone that says otherwise has never had any other tires.

Thats just me tho.

Looks good otherwise!

And really, I know that.They are the tires 440D50? had for sale a couple years ago on here.There are bead issues.So the cost analysis of running theses or selling them and buying some bias tires after I save up more was way in favor of keeping them and running them until I can groove the **** out of them.
Plus, I think I'll run'em at 0 psi :fawkdancesmiley:

I know I know....Unless someone wanted to trade a set of 16.5 tires for'em, I am kinda screwed right now.
I just wanna wheel.It can be perfect later when I find another set....
I wouldnt bother grooving them unless your bored.

The just dont clean out. Its like thye are a dirt and mud magnet. They have a hard square carcass too.

Youll get tired of not seeing the lugs. But I understand, being cheap is a disease!
I know I know....Unless someone wanted to trade a set of 16.5 tires for'em, I am kinda screwed right now.
I just wanna wheel.It can be perfect later when I find another set....

You didnt ask when you were here! I have a set of 38.5x16.5 SXs behind the shop. :stirpot: :beer:

Keep pluggin! :cool:
You didnt ask when you were here! I have a set of 38.5x16.5 SXs behind the shop. :stirpot: :beer:

Keep pluggin! :cool:

You're just a dealin mother ****er ain't ya!
What's the tread like.these would look good on your tow rig:awesomework:
Anyone wanna go sleddin?

I got the t case lined up,the4n realized the crosmember I got for my 85 frame, didna line up with an 82?ish frame....

So , gotta remedy that....

And then remedy the front shock towers.The preliminary numbers state tthat the ford Towers are not going to work in this sitcheachin.

So , gotta deal with that...


Then we shall see what comes a knockin...
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I was trying to keep it simple by using the stock crossmember, but am now
in the position of having to remedy this to move on.

Ordered the finishing touches to the front axle except the Long hub gears.
I reckon I can pick those up this week (if they are open).

Then just gotta do some fabbing I guess.Holy **** it is so close I can taste it.
Brown Santa Bitches!!


ARP hub studs
ARP knuckle studs
Super metal spindle studs
backing plate eliminator
rock rings
button heads for rock rings
brass bushings

The Marlin Crawler stuff is a complete rebuild kit with the eco seals
The steering arms are from Wentz(cheers mate!!)

And the trophy is from Hangover run at Tahuya


I'm "Mr. Lucky" because even though I made it through all of the basic trails, I kept having runability issues.Having probs with the fuel system .It is ironic that it is a broken axle after so many fawkin axles that I broke on Stella.And idna even break an axle that day....:haha:

Sweet that all I need is hub gears now.Then I just need labor time on the front axle.SWEET!!!
I'm pretty close to rockin it on 4 wheels!!
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Some tie in tubework between the interior cage, and front bumper.:)


Trying to line out how I'm gonna do this.I have to take the Ford towers out in order for my engine to fit..

O nce this is done I can put the mock up motor in.Then make a brace for between the shock mounts.
Then I can start on the tunnel.
So, I got around to fingering out the other side.Man it takes a long time to get the dashbits out of the way.

Then I started on the curved bits this mornin...

Went to do other side, got it layed out.Then double checked square. then Went to bend it.Not bending, WTF!

So then moved onto the rest of the axle armor./

Just about every damn thing you can do to a Toy axle housing.





Was able to bend the follwer enough to bend the drivers side.Will start fitting tht tomorrow.
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STILL pluggin away.
Got both shock mounts tacked in ..



I plan to sheet over the top of them with some 12 guage.Might put a design in it or something.But whatever.Just tryin to make it stout.