Boonie Buster
Stuck on a Curb
Something many of us educated users have been saying for years.....
Pardon my rudeness as usual:
Have you been saying it to the proper audience?
Something many of us educated users have been saying for years.....
Something many of us educated users have been saying for years.....
This is my approach at Elbe... Nancy and the DNR have been working with us in this direction...
Instead of closing a section, we build a solid by-pass, control run off and keep the difficult line...
A lot of users down here are following suit...
Pardon my rudeness as usual:
Have you been saying it to the proper audience?
I have to say I'm not a big fan of the bypass idea though. Sometimes it may be a solution but most of the time it's not. Most of the time it will show the uneducated people that bypasses are OK and they will go build their own where they want.![]()
What about signage in ares where bypasses are a probability?
Saying use your winch don't go around. then through some of the local wheeling boards on it so we can educate.
This is my approach at Elbe... Nancy and the DNR have been working with us in this direction...
Instead of closing a section, we build a solid by-pass, control run off and keep the difficult line...
A lot of users down here are following suit...
The by-passes are rocked in and obvious... There are signs available to us as well that say, "stay on the trail" and such... They can be posted around the area to help... I would like to see signage that says "Legal By-Pass" or something of that matter...
This is something else that I have talked about...
We do have a sign on the Busy that says Easy Way/Hard Way at the by-pass for the lower mud holes...
Most of this stuff we go over at the focus group meetings... But, most of the people I wheel with talk about these things while we are on the trail...
I think another good resource for education is boards like this. Maybe some sort of sign that points in some of the local boards directions.
I can't speak for Crash, but I talk Nancy threw my ideas and she has been very reseptive...
I also preach it when on the trail, explaining to other users while they are at a particular section... A lot of times everyone will start to brain storm an idea while on the trail...
The only problem is, you invest tons of volunteer hours and some volunteer $$$ into signs, and a week later, they are gone, shot up, or plowed over.
The only signs that seem to stand up are the green dot/reflector style signs.
Well If your in like flynn with nancy maybe you may one to take a day run out there and start marking off some spots for new signage and creating sustainable bypasses? I am more than willing to head out with you. I will also talk to derick over at Evans and see what he thinks of this Idea maybe I can run up there one day and do evans and me and derick can present it to bob. Although there is not many places that need a bypass at evans.
Thats why you hang them High like the ones in Tahuya or the easy way hard way signs at ELBE. The have been there for along time. There are ways around this. We just have to use them.
This is something that I have been doing...
I have to say I'm not a big fan of the bypass idea though. Sometimes it may be a solution but most of the time it's not. Most of the time it will show the uneducated people that bypasses are OK and they will go build their own where they want.![]()