Well-Known Member
I think there are many here like me. I don't need to be in a club but I would like to find a solid group with similar interests.
They are here they just dont speak up. :booo:
I think there are many here like me. I don't need to be in a club but I would like to find a solid group with similar interests.
If that makes me:rb: **** You!
Bottom line dude, just keep wheelin!!!
The more your out the more folks you'll meet, the ones who's style you like wheel with again. the ones you don' hard feelings.
I know how you feel though, I can't stand burnin daylight waiting on a large group. That's why I don't wheel in large groups. Oh and once my pile is back on the ground I'm up for Elbe whenever, and I'm an earlybird.
**** I might of gone to elbe if I knew.:awesomework:
I'd like to wheel with ya someday, but you're too damn hardcore!!!:haha::fawkdancesmiley:My recommendation......check the Trail Chatter section for planned runs, post you'd like to go and meet that group. If after the wheeling day is done and there is mutual likeness......wheel with them again. Wash, rinse, repeat.......
If you meet a club you like, join it. If instead you meet a group you like, wheel with them.:awesomework: Or do both!
True, True...:awesomework::awesomework::awesomework:
thats the ticket
just post where you are going to be and what time you are going to be there. It will take time to find some one that you totally want to run trails with...
I think if part of a club or with some friends , the most important thing is that you are out there enjoying your self on the trails
You know what, if the group of folks you end up spendin most of your time with (wheelin or otherwise) are in a club, chances are VERY likely you'll join...Just see where the mouse takes ya!!!:haha:Alright!!!!!!!! Didn't mean to open a can of worms here. I think we can agree that there are many kinds of clubs out there..... I think there are many here like me. I don't need to be in a club but I would like to find a solid group with similar interests.
Every time someone starts a club thread you hear the same things like I wheel too hard for clubs, clubs are dumb, you don't have to be a wheeler to be in a club, bla bla bla.
Our club was started by a group of friends hanging out in a garage who decided to start a club built for us, to be something we wanted to be a part of. We have no rules that say all members can only run with other club members or you can't wheel with us if your not a member. But we look out for ourselves first for trail runs- not meaning we wont help someone out if they're not a member, but if we are having a club run that we don't want to get too big we will only invite club members before inviting non members. And yes, we have an initiation process but that's just as much for the candidates as it is for the members. What if they don't like what we run or how we handle ourselves out on runs, they can drop out before they become members and vice versa. It also allows us to see how well they maintain their rigs, if someone dosen't like to do maintenance on their rigs and breaks down on every run, then I personally don't want to wheel much with them for fear of having to work on their shitbox all day.
Clubs aren't for everyone. However, I don't see the need to bash clubs. Our membership has doubled since we started. A lot of the people who joined I would not have met otherwise. I appreciate because of the club I know some people that normally I'm not sure we would have hung out.
Ok, Thanks guys. I got a little pissy when it seemed the purpose of me thread was misunderstood
It's not "misunderstood" it's hijacked like all the others, get used to it and grow thicker skin...or you'l end up like DHL or whatever his name his :haha::haha: