got off my ass today and RE-did a first coat. funny how body filler works best with hardener. next time read the instructions and don't go off what the guy behind the counter says.... tomorrow a second coat and it should be ready for some finally sanding.
so nothing too spectacular. I should have taken pics in the sun. maybe tomorrow. rough sanded the doors and taped up the truck except for the windshield area. body lines match up nice and I'm hoping to see some paint next week.
got some more done today. door jambs and front fenders and the last of the body filler (I hope) done. I'm hoping tomorrow that the bed, doors, and door jambs get finish sanded.
so after being apprehensive about painting I bit the bullet and just did it. not too shabby for the 1st time painting a vehicle. 1 run in the engine compartment because I forgot to hold the hose... oops. let's hope for a nice non windy day again tomorrow...
so I added some color to the truck today. tomorrow the blue stripe and red dashes... and clear coat. I thought I was doing good by taping off the jambs and painting them... I forgot to do the gas doors. oops. oh well, I think its looking bad a$$
so I got home from work and the day was gorgeous so I decided to paint the hood, cowl, hood hinges and louvers. all turned out great except the hood, I didn't prep that well at all. I don't know how I missed it but it looks like ass. I taped off the doors so I will paint those after the hood is done and I have the stencils/decals.