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new lic plates

money should go to

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For you Jim.. I would say PNW.. For me I say "JOOPSTA" :D , But I would get the one with the parks and rec background or the national forest.

Now you got me thinking about getting one. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a ticket for as banged up my front one is. :eeek:
tough decision...on one hand it is tempting to support the org that has been there since the beginning (PNW), but I can definitely see the benefit of unifying all ORV users. Fighting between the OHV users will only weaken our message. What is the relationship between WOHVA & PNW4WDA like? Do they work side by side?
tough decision...on one hand it is tempting to support the org that has been there since the beginning (PNW), but I can definitely see the benefit of unifying all ORV users. Fighting between the OHV users will only weaken our message. What is the relationship between WOHVA & PNW4WDA like? Do they work side by side?

Yes, The PNW is a founding member of WOHVA we have people on the board of directors and several clubs belong as well.
I'm a proud member of the PNW, but I think WOHVA would be a better place to put the money as it represents all off highway motorized users, ergo bigger numbers. The more the better. Plus I think most of us are multi-users anyway i.e. have a 4x4 and a quad or snowmobile etc.

Straight off the WOHVA website...

We're a not for profit organization and our objectives are to:
1. Pursue, promote, protect and educate responsible off highway vehicle use.
2. Promote proactive interaction with the legislature, governmental agencies, private landowners and others.
If friggin square dancing and the tree huggers can have one, why cant we? I rock the Elk plates on the F350. They cost me an additional $35 a year (I think.):redneck:
I am for it , but not really sure were the money should go.. I vote to me :redneck:
I would be all for it. :cool: Maybe even have a way to pay for your NW trail pass, and have it displayed on the plate? :011: