Dont Tread On Me
Re: Gregg's Rig
STFU noob
American said:I was at Hawk Pride, and met Matt O that day. So my impression of him is also JUST from that day. I thought he was a pretty cool dude. He was real bummed out, and then backed into David; so he was having a bad day. I have always gotten the "you look mad" when I'm not, my entire life. If ya'll decide somebody's a **** because you met them on a bad day, I hope I never meet you. You'd never give me a chance, and we definitely wouldn't get along.
I don't really know Matt O, or any of you for that matter, so I have no stake in this. From an "outsider" it looks like a bunch of grown men arguing about stupid **** like a teenage girl on her period... :****:
uke: on this thread.
STFU noob