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New trails coming!

Thanks for all your hard work Scott!!!!! still need to get the buggy up there and make a half day of it and do all the trails!!!:awesomework:
Good work Scott! :awesomework:
Looking forward to another run down that way soon.....:cool:
There are folks that care, but just not enough to make a large difference. We need folks like you boxboy to keep the fire burning. Thank you thank you thank you!

Will the samurai love G11? :hi:
Hi all,

Thanks for the update Scott, I was wondering if there had been any progress on the Purple & G11.



I know no one is interested but I will try any way...

The G11 trail has the construction trail built and material staging area. The base material is being delivered. The trees to be used on the trail have been cut down and bucked to length.

The purple line Tight&twisty is about 3/4 duffed and the access trail and material staging area will be built tomorrow.

The big rocks for both trails will(should) start to be delivered next week.


Then... The yellow line has been marked and should get surveyed in the next week or so but the Reiter is on the list to get surveyed. We marked out the trail to include the ROCK. You can thank me later:haha:
yeah its getting there finally. There has been a lot happening on the motorcycle/quad area the WCC crews have the upper part of the trunk trail purdy much finished they only have a couple weeks left on the funding (different funds used other then the grants) but they are really close to having it finished for the year.

in the next several weeks would should start making really good progress on the 4x4 trails.
oh the small rock

So do they remove all trees that would be in or close to the trails or are they going to leave some as obstacles? Also they need to find more natural rock like that :awesomework:.
So do they remove all trees that would be in or close to the trails or are they going to leave some as obstacles? Also they need to find more natural rock like that :awesomework:.

we had to remove some trees for construction access and some trees so we would have logs to use in the trail itself as obstacles. there are still plenty of trees to dent sheet metal. on the purple line we only remove 1 tree :awesomework: from the trail corridor/