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New Trainwreck Thread

I try to stick to funny. the only times funny don't work are when people die, major family tragedies and collecting money. My first collection call I told the guy he was past due on $125k after hearing his sob story I said "look man it could be worse it could be $150" :****: He did not share my optimism!!!
Also I cleared things up with Ali Achbar Off Road. We are good. I convinced him to ask his allah for 42 Mötley Crüe groupies when he dies instead of 42 virgins and told him he would thank me later And he called it even Stevens
poolman said:
I agree and that sucks, I'm starting to see a lot of smart ass answers also, that's not the way it was a couple years ago. Let's not make this another pirate! :gtfo:

I'm all for the funny ****, and all for the sarcasm, just no need for the drama and no need to be a :woody:
^^^This!!!..... Last night I was looking for info on these new Silverback Carbs,so I googled it and a few forums popped up so I went to one discussion on Yellowbullet.com and it was just a bunch of damn pricks bashing on this one guy for trying to share legitimate info on the carbs. He worked for/with the friggin manufacturer and all these pricks could do was bash,name call,cuss him etc cause he hadn't checked in on the newb thread yet!!! Within a few minutes I decided I had absolutely no need for any information from that particular site. Nothing but a bunch of fawkin asshats!!!!
TacomaJD said:
When yer Eric Hagan, you do what you want! molaugh

fuggin rite!
Al Gore made the internets fer MY entertainment! A coworker asked me if I saw their FB status... I laughed... I don't look at other peoples status! I just post my own junk!
I feel like we should be on a first name basis Patrick. Do you prefer a mr or mister when being addressed.
This is a bullshit buggy hatin', builder thrashing hate thread. :flipoff1:

I might have believed all this BS if it had said what you have to squeeze on the scale to get it out of limp mode, weepow mode and on to full on WOOPOW MODE!

I am bringing a camera, a scale and some participation ribbons to the golden ticket ride. :woot:
:wtflol: Eric bringing the funny.

I was going to start a new thread but figured that would be counter productive.

A BUTTHURT thread for people who are not mature enough to handle their own business. Yep I said it. There is a special place in hell for people who deliberately steal a hard working mans money. That being said at what point do you take responsibility for handing someone your money without doing your homework. I work too damn hard to get screwed over by someone else. Especially on a business deal that is for recreation.
Why get on a public forum to bash someone when you are in the middle of a business deal? If I owed you money and you bashed me, I would be less likely to give you anything but an ass whoppin. I might ask for advice "read tech and fab" on how to fix a problem, but just to fag up an awesome website with drama (which brings out the drama queens) is a problem.
Now if you got screwed and the deal was over and you wanted to "warn" people of poor business deals that's one thing. But to cry in the middle of a deal you let get out of hand is getting old.
poolman said:
I agree and that sucks, I'm starting to see a lot of smart ass answers also, that's not the way it was a couple years ago. Let's not make this another pirate! :gtfo:

I'm all for the funny ****, and all for the sarcasm, just no need for the drama and no need to be a :woody:
I think what's going on is that the trophy-kid generation is all grown up and weaving their way into society. Mama told them that their opinion matters and "by gawd everyone should listen to my baby boy". If everyone took a step back and realized what they think doesn't matter to anyone other than themselves this forum would be a lot less pirate-esque. Not that my opinion matters either...
I bet he called every other day with a progress report and sent pics. It was probably delivered waaaay too early for you to have a spot cleaned out in the garage. Not to mention it probably looked exactly like the drawing you had.......I can't believe the nerve of some people.......

Haha. Good read dude, I too get weary of the drama.

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yankster said:
I think what's going on is that the trophy-kid generation is all grown up and weaving their way into society. Mama told them that their opinion matters and "by gawd everyone should listen to my baby boy". If everyone took a step back and realized what they think doesn't matter to anyone other than themselves this forum would be a lot less pirate-esque. Not that my opinion matters either...

LandSpeeder said:
Whaddabout "Idaho"
Named after da wife AND her potato casserole.

So now my wife is a ho? I'm not trying to stir the pot at all and dont want this to turn into a "Bash Eric Hagan" thread but that is uncalled for. You have never even met my wife. Here is what Im gonna do: I will blow this WAY out of proportion, than I am going to hurl a bunch pf misspelled insults that doent make any cents at you. And some point through the next few posts Ima be like "whatever man, I thought this was going to produce results, but all it is is a pissing contest now, you can keep your stupid forum" and then continue posting like nothing ever happened. NOw you know its coming so be ready! :woot:
and then you should type owt a reeaaly bad misspelt sntancsse that is abowt a mlie lawng anf rallly diffficult to read wif no punktuation and alot of rant ran biitttin an monin and cryin about nothin inn partkular and then hav yur buddie philbeen come to yur reascue and queston wheter or not uwere at fawlt about the whole deel and then blame you for it becaws you were ready too soon and it wasnt their fawlt it were dirty cause you came too quick and they were eatin tater tot caseroles in tunica dranking diesel monkeys and smokin fatys and deer huntin out of a dirty ass motohome but you dont care caws you jus want it to be known you have not alots tooo dew and so this is a form of self expressun now i thank i hav bean tottally kleer heer