yeh, theres just nothing like a mechanical connection :;The heat level is reduced when you have reduction AFTER the auto.... using the converter to lower the ratio by using a higher stall converter or by dropping the idle to fool the converter into slipping both cause massive amounts of heat. Put any other kind of reduction behind the trans and holy shiat will it be lower... And the trans will run much cooler tool. But enough of that, your putting a stick in it.
You going with a hydro clutch or mechanical? May I suggest going hydro with a yota master cylinder and a universal slave from They carry both push and pull cylinders for cheap.
thats was my plan, use atleast the yota master. i'll check out speedwaymotors, when the moment of truth gets closer.
is there any reason a yota slave cant be used?
my truck was originally a manual, the pedal is still there, its just zip-tied down