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new trans or t-case gears, or BOTH?

The heat level is reduced when you have reduction AFTER the auto.... using the converter to lower the ratio by using a higher stall converter or by dropping the idle to fool the converter into slipping both cause massive amounts of heat. Put any other kind of reduction behind the trans and holy shiat will it be lower... And the trans will run much cooler tool. But enough of that, your putting a stick in it. :D

You going with a hydro clutch or mechanical? May I suggest going hydro with a yota master cylinder and a universal slave from speedwaymotors.com.. They carry both push and pull cylinders for cheap.
yeh, theres just nothing like a mechanical connection :;

thats was my plan, use atleast the yota master. i'll check out speedwaymotors, when the moment of truth gets closer.
is there any reason a yota slave cant be used?

my truck was originally a manual, the pedal is still there, its just zip-tied down:D i was gonna say its under the carpet, but thats been gone for years:redneck:
Everyone that I know that uses a different clutch than yota (chevy, ford, mopar) all use either a slave like speedway carries or one from a fj40. The mini truck one just doesn't have enough beans from what I've gathered. Ask Crash, he's running a 465 in his rig with yota parts I think...
Everyone that I know that uses a different clutch than yota (chevy, ford, mopar) all use either a slave like speedway carries or one from a fj40. The mini truck one just doesn't have enough beans from what I've gathered. Ask Crash, he's running a 465 in his rig with yota parts I think...
ah, ok. thats all i needed to know..that it doesnt work.

i wonder..would the kit come with the slave, and mount? for $550 if ****ing should! :looser:
AA's site blows ass now that they "updated" it... I have the book at home, I'll see if they show it included... I'm pretty sure they don't include it or the bracket though.. Although the bellhousing might have the boss's built in...
AA's site blows ass now that they "updated" it... I have the book at home, I'll see if they show it included... I'm pretty sure they don't include it or the bracket though.. Although the bellhousing might have the boss's built in...
yeh, i was looking on AA, but i didnt find it. ive got an OLD book. but ive got no idea where it is. and its atleast 8 yrs old. and it wasnt very good to begin with.

is AA the best place to get my adapter? i KNOW they have it for $550. havent seen one anywhere else...

also...any idea if anyone makes an adapter for the power steering? id really like to run the yota steering pump. im using the ford one now, but i think the yota puts out more pressure. all i can find is for the chevy...:eeek:
Not seeing a direct bracket anywhere but I don't imagine it'd be hard to put the ford bracket and a yota bracket together with some melted wire... :D

AA is the only one I'm seeing the kit at too... No go on the slave bracket there too, they show chevy but not ford. Again, a bit of fab time and it'll be better than what you can buy.
Not seeing a direct bracket anywhere but I don't imagine it'd be hard to put the ford bracket and a yota bracket together with some melted wire... :D

AA is the only one I'm seeing the kit at too... No go on the slave bracket there too, they show chevy but not ford. Again, a bit of fab time and it'll be better than what you can buy.
thanks man.
yeh, itd be a bitch to fab it up. the toy pump is so small, compared to the ford unit. i think its smaller than the ford bracket:eeek: and ive got my YORK compressor unit just above it.
i never thought about welding the mounts together tho...i might have to look at it again. cept, i sold all the yota PS stuff years ago.:mad:

as far as the clutch parts go, yeh im not worried about getting that worked up. the only concern i have is...the ford originally had a mech linkage, with the ball/frame pivot. but, im sure i can work around that.

im gonna see if i can find the adapter somewhere else..hopefully save some money. its been that SAME price for 10 yrs. those assholes!

thanks again for all your help.
I've got a spare pump and bracket in my garage and I just talked to psychotoy today about visiting his dogs (they miss their uncle trashy apparently :haha: ) so I can bring it up there to him if nothing else.

Mechanical or hydro it doesn't mean shiat when you are using an EXTERNAL slave cylinder :;

AA is the only place I spotted the adapter.... Novak doesn't do anything but jeeps and I wouldn't buy a pencil from the peckerheads at NWOR...
I've got a spare pump and bracket in my garage and I just talked to psychotoy today about visiting his dogs (they miss their uncle trashy apparently :haha: ) so I can bring it up there to him if nothing else.

Mechanical or hydro it doesn't mean shiat when you are using an EXTERNAL slave cylinder :;

AA is the only place I spotted the adapter.... Novak doesn't do anything but jeeps and I wouldn't buy a pencil from the peckerheads at NWOR...
ah yeh...i was thinking how i was gonna get the fork arm to stay in place:mad:

thatd be cool. what do you want for it? i really only need the bracket. id need the pump for fabbing it up, but then, once mocked/mounted, i would get a new pump. dont even know if i can get it to work...

i dont think ive got slopez's number anymore. he might have mine...if not, he KNOWS where i live.

yeh, NWOR didnt list one anyway. SOMEONES got to make it. AA has the market for that ****? wth...
No charge mang. I think I have a couple hanging around in the shop and I just so happened to literally trip over one the other day so you'd be doing me a favor. :D

If you have the steel pump bracket (V-belts) you can do a bit of fab and get it going no biggy.... I'll let ya know when jello has it in his possession.
No charge mang. I think I have a couple hanging around in the shop and I just so happened to literally trip over one the other day so you'd be doing me a favor. :D

If you have the steel pump bracket (V-belts) you can do a bit of fab and get it going no biggy.... I'll let ya know when jello has it in his possession.
cool man, i appreciate it. :awesomework:
yeh, its all v-belt. i WISH it was a serp belt. than maybe i could run a puller, instead of a pusher.....

does he even still have a rig? last i heard, the buggy was for sale...:rolleyes:
He sold blacky, which is back up for sale on here again.... Bought a pretty stock yj to play with, bought a tacoma... Sold both and just picked up a duraturd. I had to give him a load of shiat for having another tow rig yet nothing to pull behind it. :haha:
He sold blacky, which is back up for sale on here again.... Bought a pretty stock yj to play with, bought a tacoma... Sold both and just picked up a duraturd. I had to give him a load of shiat for having another tow rig yet nothing to pull behind it. :haha:
yeh, i seen the black truck, skyler has(had?) it.
what happend to the buggy?

he should have kept his 4runner....:rolleyes:
Oh yea, left that out of the time line.... he sold the dodge to help with the down on a house. So the buggy sat for like a year or so only to be wheeled when he stole a tow from someone... He got tired of the buggy sitting there staring at him so he sold it too. :booo:
Oh yea, left that out of the time line.... he sold the dodge to help with the down on a house. So the buggy sat for like a year or so only to be wheeled when he stole a tow from someone... He got tired of the buggy sitting there staring at him so he sold it too. :booo:
so hes got nothing now?
gonna have to ask him if he wants to go wheeling, the next time i see him:haha:
Yea I asked him when we were going next.. He needs to get something though.. He was talking about getting a first gen camaro and going fast or street posing... fawking messican't.... :haha:
damn..after thinking about it...yet AGAIN. im now thinking dual cases...for NOW. then after a few months, tossing the 4speed in. i could prob get the dual kit..here real soon. maybe even soon enough to run it some this winter(i really want to)

****, im STLL undecided i WANT the 4speed. but, im not sure what will ACTUALLY work better. right now, i dont care for the auto...but im sure is b/c ive got such a high CG.
i like the fact, with the manual, i dont have to worry about it dying...theyre pretty much bullet proof.

so, i think what i'll do, is the dual cases, NOW. and IF i still dont like the auto, swap in the 4speed later.
now, im gonna need a 23 spline coupler for my trans/tcase adapter. any ideas?

http://advanceadapters.com/product/2456/(P/N-50-5905D)-Toyota-21-Spline-Dual-Case-Crawler-Kit.html its a good price.
s there a reason not to get this? its got a double bearing set. so it should be atleast as strong as the marlin stuff..if not stronger.
i would get the 23 spline version tho.
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Pick up a turbo input and get a Mco7-10R dual adapter and you'll be into it under $500 total.... You can sell that stuff in a heartbeat if you do end up swapping it out for the 435 later.
Pick up a turbo input and get a Mco7-10R dual adapter and you'll be into it under $500 total.... You can sell that stuff in a heartbeat if you do end up swapping it out for the 435 later.
thats what i was thinking. i would prob keep the duals. but the c4/tcase adapter would go.

check my edit above. what do u think?
also, im still gonna need the 23 spline coupler. i cant find it on AA's site. i guess i'll have to call them.
The coupler comes with the adapter so thats taken care of. What you'll still need is the input for the second case....

The standard bearing has 12 balls, the marlin has 2 rows of 16 each... MUCH stronger and more stable. Doubleing the bearings still isn't as stable as the Marlin bearing... And if you'll notice everyone stuff is compared to Marlins... No one says it is stronger than marlins... :; Besides $50 in price difference and the 10* clocking to flatten your belly is way worth it. :D