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No Country for Old Men

6uldv8 said:
"There Will Be Blood"..........there's another what seemed like 8 hours of my life I'll never get back........did have a few finer moments though!
Where were these moments? I was on a plane and couldnt get away from it or get up and walk out. HORRIBLE f-in movie!
InDaShop said:
Where were these moments? I was on a plane and couldnt get away from it or get up and walk out. HORRIBLE f-in movie!

Does it hurt going through life with your knuckles dragging?
I read Into the Wild about 2yrs before they said they were going to make a movie based on his story/book. I was mixed on the movie, the book was definetly better but when isn't it? Anyone who hasn't ever read that book should definetly give it a chance. I only read a couple books a year and I sincerely thanked my friend for giving me that one. Its been passed around my friends like a cheap whore ever since and everyone loves it. For the majoriy I prefer to only read nonfiction/outdoors books and that hit that nail on the head.
It is an excellent book. It tells a story about one person and nature and that you cannot outsmart nature, not matter what you think. He was a kid that was strong in his beliefs, but even in the end he admitted he was wrong for believing what he did. It told the story very well I thought. Sean Penn did a great job directing that movie.
wngrog said:
Does it hurt going through life with your knuckles dragging?

yeah I must a missed something important in the beginning of it to tie it all together.

Oil man loses wife, son loses hearing, he works his ass off, makes shrewd business plays, sells his soul, turns his son against him, kills the devil........

But what was the whole point? The religous doing whatever it takes at all costs to bow to the almighty dollar? I'm not sure, guess was hard to watch while picking gravel out from between by digits.
I read Into the Wild about 2yrs before they said they were going to make a movie based on his story/book. I was mixed on the movie, the book was definetly better but when isn't it? Anyone who hasn't ever read that book should definetly give it a chance. I only read a couple books a year and I sincerely thanked my friend for giving me that one. Its been passed around my friends like a cheap whore ever since and everyone loves it. For the majoriy I prefer to only read nonfiction/outdoors books and that hit that nail on the head.

If you like that, you need to read "Into Thin Air" and "Under the Kingdom of Heaven" both John K books and they are superb.
wngrog said:
If you like that, you need to read "Into Thin Air" and "Under the Kingdom of Heaven" both John K books and they are superb.
laughing1 Same friend gave me "Into Thin Air", I laughed when he told me it was about Everest. I never thought I would have an intrest in that but it was a damn good book. I have a new respect for those people that even try that mountain. I'll definitely check out the other as he is a great author. Check out "the Only Kayak" by Kim Heacox, got that from my wife. Its a bit of a tree hugger to me but an awesome Alaskan first hand account none the less. I almost hate to admit but "the Education of Little Tree" by "Forrest Carter"/ Asa Earl Carter is one of my favorite reads of all. Sorry for the Hi-jack yall :flipoff1:
"Into Thin Air" was a damn good book. The 1996 Season was a catastrophic one.
If you liked it then you have to read "'Dark Summit-The True Story of Everest’s Most Controversial Season" Its about the 2006 death of David Sharp on the North Ridge after a HimEx team found him alive short of the summit.

Good book, and maybe something to wet your whistle on before you bite off the book, is Russell Brice's (he owns Himalayan Experience, and is the "King of the Hill") interview in the current Outside Magazine (May 2008). Its the one with Anderson Cooper on the cover (Good read as well).

Oh, found it online.
I started with Into Thin Air and then read every single book about Everest that season. There is a good way buy Tenzing Norway about climbing in his fathers shadow. There is also one about the expedition to find Sir Edmund Hillary's body on the mountain. They were trying to find the camera he had with him to see if he summitted or not. I love Everest books!
I'd love to try it, but its out of my everything reach. Maybe if I hit the lotto and felt like making my wife rich.....
I would just like to go see it from basecamp. Part of me feels I could do it if I got in shape the other part thinks I would die!
BamaTJ said:
I would just like to go see it from basecamp. Part of me feels I could do it if I got in shape the other part thinks I would die!
My sentiments eggg-zacheryyy.