Tim posts on Pirate:
Originally Posted by crawlmag
Hey guys, we're only going to post once in this thread, or any thread for that matter, and that's it. There's no need to keep the drama going but you do deserve straight answers from us, so here it is; we've had some major financial issues over the past six months that have kept us from publishing. It's not poor management, it's a rough economy that we're coming to grips with. That's the no bullshit answer; fuel surcharges, paper prices going up or being totally unavailable for weeks on end and postage rates going up by double digits every six months, on top of advertisers facing tough times. We haven't said much lately because we haven't had much to say, however; we've turned a corner, picked up a major investor and brought new staff on board and gotten rid of those dragging us down. When things are going good you rarely notice slackass employees but when things get tight, their glaring incompetencies come to light. I am CEO here and I take full responsibility for ALL actions and/or inactions for my company and if you'll let me, I'll make it up to each and every customer who thinks they have been shafted. We've extended everyone's subscription by 3 issues for starters. That's 50% added in good faith. If you want to complain, you do have to do one thing though, call or write so that we know you're unhappy. If you call and the phones go to voicemail, we're either not in the office or on the other line. Sometimes we work in the shop. Paula was let go, she was one of the major problems we had, not following through on promises, so there's fewer people to answer the lines. We will call you back though, we check the voicemail hourly.
Our 15th issue shipped June 18th from Mendota, IL. Yup, it was extremely late, don't remind me. We agree that we have an obligation to both our subscribers and advertisers and I hope you understand that we've taken a hard look at our customer service and delivery issues, and recent delays were caused by an entire restructure of the whole company to solve these issues once and for all. Sometimes you have to shut the car off to change the oil. We're fully funded to move forward, allowing us to negotiate great paper rates and shipping channels, awesome new writers and photogs like Tim Magee and Matt Adair, and we've outsourced our entire customer service department to a fulfillment house that handles such things. They've been in business since 1965 and handle hundreds of other major titles. I have high hopes that the money I am spending on them will make all the difference to you guys. They pick up the ball August 1st.
We're still very much in business, and we're doing everything we can to deliver what you paid for. We're still IN BUSINESS because we believe we owe it to you to be there. Our 16th issue is off to press in about two weeks and will ship the week of July 18th; I do not have an exact date as the shipper fits us in as we roll off the press, but we print July 16th. Issue 17 is slated to go out on time, per our original 2008 schedule for that issue, to be on store shelves Lab Day weekend.
Again, I apologize for all the delays and I assure you we're trying. XOM went two issues and CRAWL has gone 15; we're not giving up this time. That's the best I can give. We love this sport, we love the people in this sport and we fully intend to be completely engaged with this sport, and to continue publishing the best magazine, the only magazine, that covers the hardcore offroad lifestyle. If you have questions, my direct email is
[email protected] and our office number is 253-857-2729. If you want to remain pissed off for the sake of being an internet tough guy, I cannot help you. We have no room in our lives for the drama that surrounds these threads; we'd rather work on getting the magazine in your hands than argue with CrustyCreep or Travis Walrus. If you choose to not believe me, call the office and we'll offer you a refund for all unshipped issues.
Thanks guys.